Ribh's D'Coopage

I have been so taken with your lovely birds I started putting out feelers for some here.
I have finally found a breeder a couple of hours away.
Birds will be expensive but I was expecting that ~ & he won't have any till Spring anyway, if then.
What he did say, which makes your hatch super impressive, is that they can be difficult to breed.​
That's amazing!

Have you considered hatching some of CCCL fertile eggs with one of your broodies and giving the breeder any roosters you get? I bet he would take them.
I was given a bunch of flower pots at the end of last year and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them. I decided to try container gardening.

View attachment 2688718
I have cucumber and cantaloupe in the far pot. Then a full size tomato, eggplant, grape tomatoes in the next one, then cabbage and cauliflower in the last one. My mum from last year has returner too.

Here's the flowes for the front door.
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Here's my view from my chair. This is where Rich and I spend a lot of our evenings and where a lot of chicken pictures are taken from.
View attachment 2688767
Excellent idea for the pots! I just love your yard. It is amazing.
Things are very different. I won't go into all the difficulties due to the circumstances under which I find myself here.
This May has been the wettest for the last decade and it's not warm, even by British standards.:rolleyes:
I spent the ten day quarantine period required for entry into the UK at my eldest sisters which was lovely. I hadn't seen her or her husband for quite a few years although we kept in touch via the net. She has chickens!
I'm staying with my daughter and her husband currently while I slog my way through various bits of bureaucratic nonsense to do with residency rights. Technically I'm homeless.
I've joined the rest of the population it seems and now leave the house equipped with a smart phone which I am gradually learning how to use, bits of plastic that I'm told are money:hmm and a head full of passwords.
Bristol, which is where I am now is relatively slow paced compared to other cities but compared to halfway up a mountain in Catalonia surrounded by woodland and animals it's hectic and just watching others rushing about trying to pretend that what they are doing is incredibly important just wears me out.
Of course, the UK is still running at reduced capacity and I'm sure the place will look a lot more crowded when the rest of the population 'working' from home are let out.
I managed to get registered with a doctor a week ago and consequently got my first Covid jab a couple of days later.
I've got lots of writing to do. A couple of charities which I have been in contact with both in Spain and here in the UK are interested in my story; not because it is particularly interesting, but because it's well documented and illustrates many of the problems that the political ideologists have overlooked, or not cared about in their xenophobic rush to wave a flag and thumb their noses at other nations.
I don't miss Spain much because of the kind of life I led there. I haven't got to the point of missing the weather there yet either. What I miss is the chickens who I think about often.
I have heard from the man who is helping to take care of them and only one, Tack, is missing assumed broody on a nest.
Chicken Tax.
View attachment 2689222
Hello, Shadrach! I know I've missed very much of your saga, but will you try and get back to Spain? I've been wondering about you and hoping that you are well. I have much empathy for you and the physical loss of your chickens. How nice that your sister had some of her own that could help soften the blow, if even for a minute. :hugs
Things are very different. I won't go into all the difficulties due to the circumstances under which I find myself here.
This May has been the wettest for the last decade and it's not warm, even by British standards.:rolleyes:
I spent the ten day quarantine period required for entry into the UK at my eldest sisters which was lovely. I hadn't seen her or her husband for quite a few years although we kept in touch via the net. She has chickens!
I'm staying with my daughter and her husband currently while I slog my way through various bits of bureaucratic nonsense to do with residency rights. Technically I'm homeless.
I've joined the rest of the population it seems and now leave the house equipped with a smart phone which I am gradually learning how to use, bits of plastic that I'm told are money:hmm and a head full of passwords.
Bristol, which is where I am now is relatively slow paced compared to other cities but compared to halfway up a mountain in Catalonia surrounded by woodland and animals it's hectic and just watching others rushing about trying to pretend that what they are doing is incredibly important just wears me out.
Of course, the UK is still running at reduced capacity and I'm sure the place will look a lot more crowded when the rest of the population 'working' from home are let out.
I managed to get registered with a doctor a week ago and consequently got my first Covid jab a couple of days later.
I've got lots of writing to do. A couple of charities which I have been in contact with both in Spain and here in the UK are interested in my story; not because it is particularly interesting, but because it's well documented and illustrates many of the problems that the political ideologists have overlooked, or not cared about in their xenophobic rush to wave a flag and thumb their noses at other nations.
I don't miss Spain much because of the kind of life I led there. I haven't got to the point of missing the weather there yet either. What I miss is the chickens who I think about often.
I have heard from the man who is helping to take care of them and only one, Tack, is missing assumed broody on a nest.
Chicken Tax.
View attachment 2689222
:hugs :hugs :hugs
Last night

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