Ribh's D'Coopage

I'll tell you a horror story about our education system ~ because honestly, if your kid did nothing but read while he's out of regular school he would still be ahead in all likelyhood. A mum pulled her daughter out for 6 months. If I remember it was over bullying the school hadn't sorted. She did nothing with her kid for 6 months but read to her. The kid was nearly 12 months ahead when she returned to her classroom. All the math you need can be learned in about 3 months [assuming you're not a mathamatical moron like I am] so take some of the stress off yourself & don't fret about the schooling. Truly. There's nothing that can't be caught up on. A good news story; my youngest refused to do any math her last 2 years of high school ~ so no Alegbra, no trig., no calulus. She applied for the navy & in order to do the entrance exam taught herself Algebra in 3 hours. She says she's a little slow but her results were high enough to train as a pilot if she wanted. You've got enough going on. Don't fret the school thing. :hugs
His teacher has been VERY supportive; she said he only has to do half a day and she gave him a time-table of things to do in that half-day. I really like her, I wish she had been my 5th grade teacher! My teacher was a cow who hated my guts (and the feeling was very much mutual).
Here are a couple of photos of our kitchen renos, done in August 2014 (almost seven years to the day!)

01 Old kitchen.jpg

02 Old kitchen.jpg

03 Carnage.jpg

04 Carnage.jpg

05 New kitchen.jpg

06 New kitchen.jpg
His teacher has been VERY supportive; she said he only has to do half a day and she gave him a time-table of things to do in that half-day. I really like her, I wish she had been my 5th grade teacher! My teacher was a cow who hated my guts (and the feeling was very much mutual).
:( That's for getting a cow of a teacher. :hugs Some people shouldn't be allowed around kids.
Wow! That is an amazing difference! I'm not a food or gadget person so I refused to do overhead cupboards that I can't reach & only accumulate unwanted junk. It means I have to keep everything to a minimum.
Hubby and I are both tall, so we can reach. It's really nice having extra storage!
Online learning sucks. I (being in high school) have to stare at screens all day, 5days a week. It’s annoying and painful and it hurts my eyes to no end!
On a lighter note:
Back burning before summer! This is the view from my balcony at the moment :
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I thought you were doing home ec & you must do English. Science too should include some hands on experiments? Surely those 3 alone give you a screen break? I'm sorry it's so sucky. I homeschooled several for high school & can't wrap my head around it all being screen time. It must be terribly boring.

Back burning hasn't started up here yet but I imagine it won't be long.

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