Ribh's D'Coopage

Chickies :wee

(Older pictures :p) 670EC089-99F5-4A00-BD92-C2484375D3BE.jpeg E6A2FE8F-9E9C-4138-BB16-6ABA78AC2EDE.jpeg D93BC056-994C-4334-9CAE-5DC087AAE6FC.jpeg
I do think it's interesting. It doesn't matter to me if I don't understand it all. All knowledge is useful & can be built upon. Just talking to you & RC this morning has helped solidify what I've learnt & made better sense of it. My mother thinks I should have stuck to English but that's the Victorians ~ & I don't think I need to be any more depressed than I already am, & the Shakespeare I don't like, not the plays I do enjoy. I am picking up a couple of subjects of interest but @ some point I have to be employable & I do not want to teach!
Having staggered through two degrees, both science based with heavy mathamatic content I can give you a tip for degree studying at least; MA and phd are a bit different.
You don't need to understand any of it. You just need to be able to manipulate the numbers. There aren't many rules and you learn them in the same boring fashion as you may have been taught when learning your times tables.

I did physics. I still don't understand many of the concepts. I still got a decent pass.
I hated mathamatics at school. It was very badly taught when I was at school.
I couldn't see what the purpose of higher level math until I got an assignment calculating an irregulat shape for a turbine blade at university.
I still can't add up to save my life.:D
Having staggered through two degrees, both science based with heavy mathamatic content I can give you a tip for degree studying at least; MA and phd are a bit different.
You don't need to understand any of it. You just need to be able to manipulate the numbers. There aren't many rules and you learn them in the same boring fashion as you may have been taught when learning your times tables.

I did physics. I still don't understand many of the concepts. I still got a decent pass.
I hated mathamatics at school. It was very badly taught when I was at school.
I couldn't see what the purpose of higher level math until I got an assignment calculating an irregulat shape for a turbine blade at university.
I still can't add up to save my life.:D
Maths is something I appreciate and mathematicians are people I admire, but the details of it take a lot of time for me to work out. It's taken me maybe 20-25 days of hard, patient thinking to *almost* master the maths in an ordinal logistic regression and that's only probability. I simply don't have sufficient foundation knowledge to learn it faster. Even now I would have to review it before attempting to explain it.
You obviously haven't smelt my Arran jumper.:D
One shouldn't use soap when washing them, if you wash them at all, Both of mine still smell of lanolin and something...
I never understood getting rid of the lanolin ~ though my chemistry is nearly as bad as my math~ as I assumed it would provide some water proofing ~ something badly needed anywhere in Britain. :lol: I own no tweed but I did come home with a clan plaid which I am not sure what to do with because I sure as heck won't be wearing it! šŸ¤£
Having staggered through two degrees, both science based with heavy mathamatic content I can give you a tip for degree studying at least; MA and phd are a bit different.
You don't need to understand any of it. You just need to be able to manipulate the numbers. There aren't many rules and you learn them in the same boring fashion as you may have been taught when learning your times tables.

I did physics. I still don't understand many of the concepts. I still got a decent pass.
I hated mathamatics at school. It was very badly taught when I was at school.
I couldn't see what the purpose of higher level math until I got an assignment calculating an irregulat shape for a turbine blade at university.
I still can't add up to save my life.:D
You give me too much credit, Shad. I know my 5s, my 10s & my 11s but after that it's a calculator or fingers & toes. šŸ¤£ My mind doesn't work in straight lines ~ which you need for math so even essay writing takes me time to organize in a coherent form ~ though I think I have got worse as I've got older simply because I haven't really had to use any of this for decades.

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