Rouen Duck thread

We lost our Rouen hen on Thursday due to our neighbors dog. She also got 2 chickens (a rooster and hen). Our Rouen laid an egg everyday as does our other hen (duck). We had about 14 eggs in the fridge and decided to incubate them to see what happens. We are hoping for a hen like the one we lost :( I'll let you know how they do.

Did you talk to your neighbor about this? Here, I think I'd expect to be compensated. Laws are also such here that i am 99% positive law enforcement would pay a visit with the ticket machine in hand. Dogs are unpredictable and its horrible when dog owners are not as responsible as they should be.

How long were your eggs refrigerated? I'm not a hatcher, but I have observed broody moms on nests that they began in below 32'F temps.

We did talk to our neighbor. He's our friend and he felt very, very bad for it. He was actually very distraught. I felt bad for him. He offered to compensate us. The dog just got away from him when he had her outside. But who knows how I would feel about it if I didn't know our neighbor or the dog. It's still upsetting because you kind of grow attached to these birds, you know?

Well 2 were on the counter top and unrefrigerated so I have high hopes for them :) The oldest eggs are about 5 days old and refrigerated the whole time. Who knows what will happen but I have read some threads about refrigerated eggs hatching that have given me a glimmer of hope!

We did talk to our neighbor. He's our friend and he felt very, very bad for it. He was actually very distraught. I felt bad for him. He offered to compensate us. The dog just got away from him when he had her outside. But who knows how I would feel about it if I didn't know our neighbor or the dog. It's still upsetting because you kind of grow attached to these birds, you know?

Well 2 were on the counter top and unrefrigerated so I have high hopes for them :) The oldest eggs are about 5 days old and refrigerated the whole time. Who knows what will happen but I have read some threads about refrigerated eggs hatching that have given me a glimmer of hope!

You will need to leave the refrigerated eggs out for a day or so, I can't remember the right number, so that they can get up to room temperature before going into the incubator. You want to make sure they don't warm up too fast. Good luck!

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