No pips when we got home. Now I'm just getting nervous and want to candle to see that all is still well. Ah well...they will hopefully do their job in due time...
As of today, not even any more wiggles. I would like to hope that means they are in position and resting up but...5 should be a day behind and 5 are two days behind. (Because I didn't research properly as I was so excited to get the bator that I set them and added the next two days' fresh layed eggs in a batch the next day and the following day and didn't mark them):( live and learn I guess but now I am worried since there is not one wiggler today.
Pippin' away now! 6 so far. And one of them is super chatty! So crazy they can be heard through the bator and into the next room and still can't be seen lol:love

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