Should I change her name from Henski to Rooski?


May 6, 2018
Waiohinu, Big Island, Hawai'i
We have a Gold Laced Polish, Henski, that is 5½ months old. She has been crowing the last few mornings. We have no roosters but have a neighbor ¼ mile away that has fighting cocks - they crow day and night. Henski has also been trying to mount our other hens. We have no roosters (I hope). She also has long tail feathers and little nub spurs. Do we need to change his name to Rooski - is she a boy???
Oh. Thanks. A boy. Yea. Terri won’t let me make chicken and noodles. At least he’s great at catching centipedes, which is the main reason we got chickens. Crowing every morning is not good though.

We do have a lot of cock fighting here - no it’s not legal. But there are obvious yards with a dozen or more roosters staked out each with their own little shelter.

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