SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

I am getting use to the day light savings time change finally.:th
I have been feeding in the dark and running late almost everyday. So I have been lapsing with the yum thread. It's so easy to just snap a pic of of what we have created and about to gulp down, but everything has been rush rush rush after 5 pm to race the Sun going down that I have been too tired to even just take simple pics! (getting old lol)
I think my mind is starting to catch up with the season/time awkwardness. Plus selling off 100+ chickens has lightened my load.. har har..:)

Bar-B-Que Night (again) at the Lazy H Farm.
When you have a combination such as beautiful Florida weather & 3 freezers packed with various meats you sunk all that money into with feed costs and still paying for by having the power company keeping it cold.... you gotta empty those freezers regularly...

Introducing Man's other best friend.. The Barrel Cooker..:hugs(Bob's second lover lol)
She ain't as pretty as she was 5 years ago. But she is faithful in so many ways.:D

We don't use charcoal or lighter fluid. We have an unlimited supply of natural hardwoods. :) Last night's flavor and main fuel supply was Oak. And then at a certain point of time, Hickory nuts from our backyard trees to give the additional smoke taste.

:oldThe type & cut of meats... First seared Lazy H Farm raised Country Style Ribs.. Low fat content and boneless of course. (salt/fresh cracked blk pep)
Seared on all 4 sides over the Hardwood to seal in the moisture.. Add some of the dried Hickory nuts to soot a little flavor with the searing process.
Close lid with the breathing vents cracked open and walk away and start the side dishes.

Just a few short minutes later.
Open the lid and slide the first grate over off of the heat, add the second grate and place the Lazy H Boneless Chicken Breasts on the heat source side..
(salt/fresh cracked blk pep)

The Chicken juices flash the fire a lot more so they have to be babysitted more.. can't raise a couple roosters for 7 months just to evaporate it into a char


Once you achieve that certain point where the fire hazard is over and most of the labor is over as well, add more dried Hickory nuts... Hold your breath.. poof!
The neighbors a mile away are about to smell your grill!


Close lid. Go finish your side dishes.. Hurry the water is boiling!:wee
Simple Simon Homemade Mac-n-Chez. Added a splash of Jalapino for a kick. Pinch of salt to the water for the elbows.:clap


It would appear that the off set cooking was a success. Grab it off the grill and prep a simple salad.

The meat turned out beyond the boarders of my vocabulary.
:eek:So succulent. If you ever raise your own meats and eat them on a regular basis, it is hard to go back eating supermarket engineered meats.
Farm raised is so natural and less fatty when your livestock has been feed high quality feed and not introduced to growth hormones and gene engineering.
Hubbster did all the grilling. I won't take credit for that. Using all natural hardwoods tastes a lot better than charcoal. We do grill a lot. I will admit. But when you taste some of his meat dishes and he does all the work... there is no such thing as too much grilling..
Gotta go!
Thanks everybody for contributing to the thread. I am looking forward to seeing more and more of your creations..
So until next time..................

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