SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

Is there anny other use then personal one?
Here you need a medical prescription.
It has been legal for medical use in California for a long time. It was the first state for medical use. Personal use is just now legal in the Sate. It is not legal under federal law though which is an odd situation.
It's illegal here. But there has recently been a high profile case of a child that had it prescribed abroad for MS or something like that and was making very good progress when he returned it was taken away and he lost all mobility. There was a massive outcry so they allowed him to take it again and he regained all mobility. It's going through a judicial review for medical use at the moment.
It's illegal here. But there has recently been a high profile case of a child that had it prescribed abroad for MS or something like that and was making very good progress when he returned it was taken away and he lost all mobility. There was a massive outcry so they allowed him to take it again and he regained all mobility. It's going through a judicial review for medical use at the moment.
There is some evidence for it being a good medicine for some things.

One of them is helping cancer patients--both with pain and appetite.

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