Sick chicken

Can you get a video of her actions? Upload video to youtube and provide a link.

Please look inside her beak for obstruction, lesions, white/yellow pasty material. What does her crop feel like?
Feel her over to make sure there's no air filled bulges under her skin - around the wings, abdomen, etc.

Could she have gotten into anything moldy or something that would have irritated her respiratory system?

IF you decide that she is suffering from respiratory disease instead of something else like obstruction, then you can try Tylan/Tylosin. Sometimes you can find Tylan50 on the shelf at TSC. You can order Tylosin powder online.

Keep her hydrated. You can give electrolytes or vitamins for a few days, but do make fresh plain water available too.
Thanks. I very much appreciate it!
Is she a new addition to your flock or did you recently add to your flock?

How much ventilation do your chickens have in their coop? Even in winter good ventilation is important.

I hope she will recover soon with the use of Tylan50. Lets us know how she is doing.

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