Sick chicken??

It does sound as if she has something caught in her airway. Pry her beak open wide, and have someone help you hold her while you shine a light in the throat and look for anything that shouldn't be there.

Most often these get resolved on their own by the chicken coughing it out. But if you see anything, fish it out with tweezers.
To be honest I’m not 100%sure. When I go out in the morning to let them out I will feel around.
I’m somewhat new to the chickens Scene
The crop is located on the right side of the breast. You should feel a lump (food/water) there at night when she goes to roost. Just brush your hand downward on her breast until you feel the lump. It won't hurt her and then you can feel of it with your fingers. Generally a full crop feels firm. Re-check the same place first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat or drink, the lump/fullness should be gone and that area flat, it may even feel like an empty sack under the feathers.
You can also feel the other hens roosting with her so you can gauge function. None of my hens fill up the same, some go to roost with a small filled crop, some have huge filled crops - as long as they are emptying, it's not a problem.

She's coughing/sneezing as she's gobbling treats. I thinks she's probably being piggish and choking a bit. She's greedy. I've found that every Barred Rock I've ever had was greedy:D Do check her crop and look inside her beak for obstruction just to make sure those aren't an issue.
about 2 weeks ago my 8 month old barred rock hen started sneezing from time to time. Mostly when feeding especially when I’m throwing in treats and she’s eating as fast as possible. She will sneeze or wheeze (no discharge from the nose or mouth).. mouth breath for a second and go right back to eating.

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