Sleep talking! Post your looniest statements...

Oh my, this is a fun thread! Here are several I love remembering!

I sleepwalked as a child. One night I made it out of the house (in my nightgown and bare feet) and walked down our gravel road - yes, very thick, calloused feet from going barefoot ALL the time - out onto an asphalt main street. My family's friend was the chief of police for the closest city, and he was taking a rookie out for an "adjacent area check" when they saw me walking down the side of the road, sound asleep. Floyd picked me up, took me home to HIS house (didn't want to wake my mother or grandmother, both of whom had medical issues) and tucked me into bed with his wife, Jan. I went to school from their house that day.

When I was sick with the measles, with a very high fever, my grandmother came in to check on me, and I sat straight up in bed and pointed to the end of the bed, where there was a beautiful fairy castle (no, there wasn't) all made out of toilet paper tubes with glitter all over it, shining in a single beam of moonlight. I said, "You can just give me that castle and I'll be all better." I DO remember that incident vividly.

I answer the phone in my sleep and will carry on conversations quite readily. Years ago, when I worked the graveyard shift at the 9-1-1 Center, my boss learned this and would call me first for overtime, because he hoped I'd be asleep and answer the phone - I ALWAYS agreed to overtime. Then he'd call me again later, to remind me I'd committed to the time....

One of my college friends came over and we sat up all night talking. Until we fell asleep, still thinking we were carrying on our conversation. Suddenly, my friend said, very emphatically, "Monsters! Driving by slowly!!" That woke ME up, but not her. I am amused by this because I woke up hearing it, having woven it into something I'd been dreaming, so I have a mental image of Maurice Sendak type monsters, all jammed into a green VW bug... driving by... slowly.... checking me out.
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This is probably the most notable thing I've ever said. It was at 6:30 in the morning, parents were up, and sis was asleep.


Scared the daylights out of my poor mom.
Hi! I thought about this thread earlier this week!
Husband 'said' I drug the comforter off the bed in the middle of the night and carefully draped it over the 4 incubators right next to the bed. Then said in a 'dead-pan reporter voice', "Girl saves hatching eggs from freezing, then dies from hypothermia. Story at 11:00.". I don't remember doing it, but there was a quilt we don't normally use on the bed the next morning and the comforter from the bed was covering the stack of incubators --- but I slept well and deeply that night.
Last night, I supposedly laughed, cackled, giggled from 2am til 4am --- non-stop, to the point he had to move to the couch. *I* was asleep! Just after 4am, he came back to bed and we slept til morning, but I have no recollection of the 'hyena episode'. This morning, he asked what might have been so funny-in-the-night, and I have no idea. *I* was sleeping! I am thankful my mate is understanding when these things happen in the night.


My BF says all kinds of wacky things when he is mostly asleep. The only thing I can really remember right now is once he said, "No pie on Tuesdays. Pepsi, not coke."
my daughters boyfriend talks in his sleep all the time. Talks all the time when he is awake too! The other night he woke her up in the night by stting straight up and saying "I'm in the money" She said Oh, ya? What are You going to buy? He smiled a huge smile and said "wire hangers, oh ya baby, I'm gonna buy wire hangers. Then he layed back down sound asleep.
Neither my husband nor I talk in our sleep other than incomprehensible mumblings every so often. I do however, have an odd sleep thing that happens every month or so.

For some reason unknown to me, I will wake up (well, enough that I remember it in the morning but not completely awake), and decide that there is a guest in our home (usually my Dad or my sister). Because there is another person in the house, I need to have pants on. I have no idea why I make that decision, but I will get up, go find some pants, put them on, and go back to bed. Occasionally I will be able to stop myself from actually putting them on. I reason with myself that I am not entirely awake and don't really need pants. I compromise by laying the pants on the floor next to the bed so that I can easily reach them.

There is never actually a guest in our house, nor do I consciously feel the need to wear pants to bed even if there were a guest in the house. Apparently my subconscious self is just modest and doesn't want to be caught with my pants down!
I just read this entire thread. You people are funny!!!!! I sleep talk a lot and sleep walked once. Here are my stories....

the first time i was heard talking in my sleep was when my sister and I shared a room. i started "snoring" not really, i was just growling, and she woke up and thought there was a monster in the room!

another time, i sat up straight in bed, and said "no, you do it like this!" while i was grabbing the air and pulling my hands down like i was pulling a rope with something on a pulley.

on a different occation, i got up, out of bed, and walked across the hall to my parents room. i stood on my dad's side of the bed, woke him up, and said "I have to! and i sneezed then peed my pants.

this past summer, i was at an all girls summer camp. there is a "night watch" there, and that night, both of my councilors were on night watch. when they came back from it, they found me (i slept on a top bunk and there was a shelf there to keep your stuff) sitting up in bed (again) and i was touching everything on my shelf and exclaiming, WOW! WOW! WOW! I know this all from what they told me at breakfast the next morning.

edited to say: with the sneezing one, i was sick and my parents thought i was going to throw up. and after, i went into the bathroom and unrolled all of the toilet paper didn't do anything with it, then i just flushed the toilet.

also, this doesn't really count, but it was kind of funny. i was sick once and after i finished throwing up, i went to the bathroom and fell asleep on the toilet. my mom had to wake me up and get me back to bed.
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I talk in my sleep only at my friend Madison's house.

Once, it was just me and her, and she got up earlier than me and started playing video games again. I half woke up and I was saying something, I don't remember what, and then she SCREAMED at me, "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET OUT OF BED THEN DON'T!" I asked her what the heck she was talking about. She said I was holding a complete conversation with her just a second before and I was saying I was really tired and didn't want to get out of bed. I don't remember any of that.

Another time, my friend Nicole was there too. Madison and I had already gone to sleep, and Nicole was still up playing a Nintendo DS or something like that. She said I sat straight up, opened my eyes, pointed at the wall, and said there was a monkey on the wall and it ran away. I said I couldn't go back to sleep until I found it. I then flopped back down on my sleeping bag and never woke up until morning. I don't remember that either, but Nicole sure does! She keeps remiding me of it! I find it funny, though.

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