Split beak - Rooster Beak,


In the Brooder
May 21, 2017
So I have an almost year old Sussex Rooster and this morning he was making a strange noise so my dad went down to check on him and he stopped making the noise. Later on in the day I went down to check on him and noticed his top beak looked like it was shedding but there was some blood..

He eventually scratched it off himself but ever since he's been acting weirdly, he hasn't been excited to eat, sleeps a lot and doesn't "dance" anymore. Does anyone have any tips on how to get him back to feeling 100% or if there's an issue with his beak now? (Pictures included)
First of all, a broken beak that far back into the nerve and blood supply is painful and traumatic enough to cause your rooster to behave as he is. He may even be in shock and I would treat for that first. Electrolytes is the best thing to stabilize a chicken in shock.

Next is controlling infection. Vetericyn is the best, easiest antiseptic there is. Betadine can be used as an alternative. Do this three times a day until it heals.

I don't know if you can glue that broken piece back on and have it work, but you can try. Here is a Chicken Chick column on how to do it. http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2013/01/repairing-chickens-broken-beak/
My duck had a bad injury on his beak from being shut in door ( he thought he should sneak in house behind me) I didn't notice he was there:he anyway I gave him soft food like cooked oatmeal very watery etc so he could eat until it healed, it did heal you can see where the injury was but he healed right up

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