Here are a bunch of pictures of the chicks in their new digs the first day (on Tuesday).

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And then some from the next morning. They were fine. :)

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They seem to be loving it out there!! And the bigs mostly seem to be ignoring them so far. Although I have one Buff Orpington who seems to very interested in them and keeps coming in to check them out.
These are gonna be really friendly birds. Watch your eyes around them. You don't need a repeat of the eye pecking incident. ;)

I sure hope so! So far Sweetpea is the only one who really loves to be held in my hands/petted but the others have no issues jumping and climbing all over me now whereas before they wouldn’t so I think they’re getting more used to me and friendlier too. :)

And yeah, I am keeping my eyes well away from them!! And don’t let them on my shoulders. Definitely learned my lesson there lol
Is your buff Orpington hen top hen?

Not that I’m aware of. I think the Orps are actually the lowest. I think my Australorps and the Barred Rock are top but I’m not sure the exact order. I think it’s one of the Australorps then BR as I’ve seen even BR defer to her over treats lol and the other Australorp is a bit nicer and may be third. Or she may be second. Idk. But I think at least one Australorp and the BR are definitely top. Yet they seem to show the least interest ha
Not that I’m aware of. I think the Orps are actually the lowest. I think my Australorps and the Barred Rock are top but I’m not sure the exact order. I think it’s one of the Australorps then BR as I’ve seen even BR defer to her over treats lol and the other Australorp is a bit nicer and may be third. Or she may be second. Idk. But I think at least one Australorp and the BR are definitely top. Yet they seem to show the least interest ha
The ones that tend to be most interested in new chicks are usually the bottom birds. They don't want to lose their ranking, no matter how low it is, so bottom birds will often peck chicks more. My top birds mostly ignore new chicks.
The ones that tend to be most interested in new chicks are usually the bottom birds. They don't want to lose their ranking, no matter how low it is, so bottom birds will often peck chicks more. My top birds mostly ignore new chicks.

Yeah, I kind of figured the lowest order ones would be more of a concern, finally having some power for once, but wasn’t sure. Seems you confirmed my theory. Thanks. Will have to watch out for them when I integrate. Especially worried about my one Easter Egger. She mounts the Orpington a lot and is vicious lately
Yeah, I kind of figured the lowest order ones would be more of a concern, finally having some power for once, but wasn’t sure. Seems you confirmed my theory. Thanks. Will have to watch out for them when I integrate. Especially worried about my one Easter Egger. She mounts the Orpington a lot and is vicious lately
Make sure your chicks have escape routes, and can't be cornered.

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