Star Wars Hatch Along


14 Years
May 18, 2009
So, someone on a FB group was saying they just put Star Wars silkies in the incubator. I said what are Star Wars silkies? Mottled? Spangled? Uh NO! They are Silkies that are due to hatch on May the 4th. Welp, I’ve got 21 eggs that I set today! 6 Silverudds Blue and 15 opal legbars! Who wants to hatch a long??:)
Well I am putting 6 of my couturnix quail eggs in to the bator tonight, and they should hatch on May 4th or maybe a day or two later. I just have to wait for the three freshly collected ones to sit for a few hours so the air pockets can form and then in they go! I can't wait to start with my own eggs this year!!! Last year they were shipped so the hatch rate was terrible.
Off subject, but is it bad that I've been eyeing royal palm eggs? I think I am in full poultry addiction mode. Meanwhile, I am loving that the countdown on my incubator is getting lower and lower!! Can't wait for the babies!
Still keep us updated!! It’ll help with the waiting between candling and lockdown:)
Haha! I will! Hatching is so fun, but it takes so much patience. I just candled today (day 7) and I saw the little chicks dancing around in their shells, and it was so cool. Every time I hatch I am fascinated with it.
This go round I am hatching for the farm I work at. I’m hatching from my own flock. I’m really excited to see how it will turn out because they will all be mixed breeds, and I think they will be gorgeous. I have hatched a few mixed breeds with this rooster, and I love every one of them. They have been stunning!
The chicks will all be half speckled sussex, and then they could be mixed with Easter egger, black Australop, buff orpington, barred rock, or red sexlink. So I could have a whole assortment!!

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