Straight Razors. to shave or die


8 Years
May 3, 2011
Georgetown, KY
My GF says im old fashion. I am an old fashion kinda guy. I would love nothing more than to live 200 years ago. I love the whole self sustainability thing and hate wasting money on stupid razors. I switched to straight razors awhile ago and have never looked back. Ive got several and its the best shave i ever had. Ive learned to shave and repair them. I know how to hone them and maintain a great edge. For those that use these will see a lot of similarities between chicken math and razor math. I bought a razor to shave with and one for a spare. I got one more to let my first one rest. 1+1+1=20. Ive got 20 or so now and I rotate them daily. I didnt like paying for soap so i started making it. A good shave soap is hard to find. I let a friend try it and word got around. I started a online store, sell, and ship worldwide. I also refuse to pay 100$ for a good brush. I order knots and make my own for antique broken brushes.





So cool! I wondered about those brushes. I thought of making shaving soap since I have a recipe that would work really well as shaving soap. It has nice lather and slip to it. But the brushes are so expensive! I'd hate to charge someone more than $30 for one because they cost me so much. You say you order knots? Could you elaborate on that?

Also, I have an old, original strop. It's not in great condition but it's still usable even with the original leather and canvas or whatever that is on the other side.
Great collection.

I don't think there's enough stypic in the world for me to use one though.

Imp- hat's off to you.
I would LOVE to have something like that for my bathroom since it is Victorian style with white modern toliet.

Straight razors makes me nervous if I was to shave my armpits and legs for that! Not easy to find the brushes, soaps and straight razors without paying for a exhorbant price tacked on to them! Perfect for Civil War reanactments LOL!
Ive cut myself a couple times. The usual cause of a cut is a razor thats not up to par. Im good enough now I can tell by feel with my thumb and set it aside until I hone it.

This was the worse. The razor that did this cut me a few other times. Seems the blade was twisted enough i didnt notice but enough to draw blood.


I used to get real bad razor burn on my neck. Havent had it once since switching to straights. I highly suggest them to everyone.

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