The Boxer Thread (Boxer - A Certain Breed Of Dog)

Love the pix. We had 2 boxers 10 years ago. When we moved from the big city ( Houston) to the country they just went crazy chasing every thing. Found a new home for them with 5acres of chain link fencing and 6 kids.
I have recently been telling DH it is time for a new boxer, we have 2 yorkies and a 11 year old shuztu (misspelled). The dogs are more his than mine. I want a dog to go do the horse stuff and other out side things that a 3 pound yorkie can't do.

I WILL HAVE A BOXER THIS YEAR, and her name will be Aspyn

Here are some pics of my Tank.
He helped my DD pack for camp. Very hard work. (12wks)

Going for a ride (4 mo)

Not cooperating in taking a Christmas pic. (3 yrs)

Tank had crusceate ligament surgery a few months ago and now won't sit. Oh well, I love him!
This is Mack at about 5 months old - a Boxer and English Bulldog mix I purchased from a chicken auction for my brother for his birthday. This dog is a nut!
He's gotten a lot broader now and it short and stocky like an English Bulldog.
This is our pup Sibella. She is about 8 weeks old in this picture but shes 4 months old now. This thread is great and Im so happy to share my baby with you all and see your loves too!

If anyone can tell me how to put more pics in the posts I will. Thx.

MomtoSyd&Emma :

We are a Boxer family!!

We have one Boxer Rally whom we adopted from the shelter nearly 5 years ago:

My sister had this big ole guy that she adopted as a senior from the SPCA 4 years ago, we lost him on 8/20/10 due to kidney failure:

and then this is my sisters boxer Baybee, she is a sweet ole lug even though she didnt care for Santa lol

My nephew has a fawn male that I cant find a photo of right now!

Those pics are priceless!​
As promised! Here are some pictures I took today. My computer was pretty empty without my boxer babies.

This is Greta:

And this is Heidi:
I've had Boxer-buddies MOST of my life ...and I'm an OLD MAN.
We got my FIRST Boxer when I was in the 1st Grade. He died the Summer AFTER I graduated from High School.
He was the smartest dog I've ever known. Some Hollywood People filming a Western Movie here in New Mexico in the late '50s stopped filming their movie and spent the rest of the day filming my Boxer, Rusty. In the 70s, I swear I saw Rusty in a TV Commercial. I knew THAT dog better than I know the palm of my own hand.

One day when the Supermarket first installed the "automatic opening doors"...Rusty went in (by himself) and came home with 2 pounds of hamburger wrapped up with a CHARGE-TICKET attached to it !!!

Next day, My Father told the butchers that Rusty's Credit was "No Good" and they shouldn't let him charge any more hamburger.
The butchers replied that he had a job....working for Dad. Everyone had a GOOD LAUGH !!!
But...shortly after that (because some idiot complained, I guess)...the Supermarket had a sign that said "No Dogs in the Store".

Funny how some people are....

Here are a few pictures of "Boone" and his Son, "Crockett":






Best Dogs...BEST Companions...Funny Souls and SMART !!! GREAT with Children...because they are SMART "kids" !!!


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