The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I wanted to coment on all the beautiful birds and chicks..
It is so nice to see so many GLO's
They are still on my wish list and i know someday I will have them..

My Englisha pullets are laying well even in this weather.. I am so happy it will be 0 all next week. This last week with -20's have been pretty hard. I have a broody seting a nest and due next week..she must not have watched the weather channel. Thank goodness for deep litter and warmer coops with it. My Orpingtons have been out every day foraging and scratching through the snow and ice while the rest of the birds have been dashing between coops.
Hi everyone, a friend of mine who bought a pair from me last year is looking for a Blue or Black hen to replace the girl he lost recently. Does anyone have a pure English hen available? We're both in California but I don't imagine he would mind paying for shipping.

Any leads would be greatly appreciated!

Also, Renie, I'm sorry for your loss. It always seems like it's the ones we're most attached to that we end up losing.

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