The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I also have some jubilee chicks from Greenfire, along with partridge, red & white chicks I got from them a few weeks back.
How old are they? Do you have any pics? My jubilees are growing quite a bit.
Oh but don't send the kids and the grandma out there with food! Then they might! HAHA kidding! The hens will but the boys just beg for it. To give to the hens.

By the way if anyone remembers my story about my cockerel begging the children for their apple... I was talking to an hispanic man that was cutting the grass for the same neighbors the other day and he wasn't even eating anything and yep... here comes Prince Harry begging. I guess now he figures anyone on that side of the fence is there for treats. LOL


They are funny ! As soon as the construction workers pull should see how fast those big bottoms move up that hill begging isnt the work..its almost embarrasing..Ive given the guys peahes and better things to treat with..they were getting bread and egg mcmuffins,mostly the that needed to change..they have a beer fridge up in the shop, it now has buff goodies in it..
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They are funny ! As soon as the construction workers pull should see how fast those big bottoms move up that hill begging isnt the work..its almost embarrasing..Ive given the guys peahes and better things to treat with..they were getting bread and egg mcmuffins,mostly the that needed to change..they have a beer fridge up in the shop, it now has buff goodies in it..

HAHAHA I needed that laugh!
At least they're getting exercise!
Yes I do have dogs patrolling, I have 7 dogs LOL. And the only place that is chicken wire is the fronts, over the top & between pens. The rest of the perimeter is construction grade chain link which we then also put chicken wire on top of to keep any little ones from getting thru the chain link. We tried our best to cover the bases of predator control, so far so good. Also the guineas patrol too, a knat can't fart without them sounding off!

Oh as to how they look inside, we covered the back 10ft with a tin roof, the rest of the top is the chicken wire. I have little 'houses' at the back under the tin roof part for them to roost & lay in. We still have to add roosting poles, but for now they like the top of the little houses. Also I have a 25W light inside each little house for warmth when it will get cold. I let each breed take turns free ranging. It's so funny how they seem to know their 'day' to get out

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