The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

thank you Dee..that rooster is 2 ..cant wait till he gets his tail back in..i know what you mean about telling them apart..they fool me every year for a while, they have a lower comb..:/

and Lual..i love those big dark eyes too..something cute about their faces..this is one i wont forget..hes comical..i saw a very old lithograph once of a black orp..had that same kindness in his face..hes about to get all molty on me..
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Thanks for the compliments, those are my pride and joy :)

I call my birds Isabel Cuckoo but genetically they are Isabel Partridge Cuckoo Orpingtons. (Lavender Crele)  I shortened the name a bit :)
This is what most people call them in England.   

As far as breeding to blacks, I am not entirely sure and a genetics guru might need to chime in on this one.  I would assume you are correct though about the splits unless someone else chimes in who is better at genetics than I am. 

TheNuttyChick:  Isabel and Porcelain are two different colors.  Porcelain is Isabel with the mottling gene.  

Thank you Bryce, for the clarification. I'm still learning the genetics end. Your birds are beautiful :)
Thank you Bryce, for the clarification. I'm still learning the genetics end. Your birds are beautiful
Your Welcome, and thanks for the compliment. We are all still learning! I have to ask others for help all of the time - genetics isn't my strong point...
Beautiful bird
Jobele, she's nice and round!

Thanks everyone, I now have quite an arsenal of eye ointments. During my phone calls and investigations, I came across a new Vet in town that will see my chickens!!! Even though I now have a cabinet full of eye stuff, I'm taking the pullet there tomorrow, just to build a good repoire with her. You have to work hard at getting Drs to do what you want!

Below isn't a chicken picture. I hope no one turns me in. This cloud formation was photographed in West Palm. I hope I don't offend anyone. She just makes me smile.
This photograph might have been altered, but none the less, she's beautiful. I don't know if you can see the flutter of her wings on your screen.
Thanks Deek! Gorgeous picture!

She is so beautiful Jobele..
Thanks so much Lynnie! She's my sweet "Cookie".
Can someone explain to me the difference between Isabel and Lavender color? I dont want to start any fights LOL but the Isabel looks to be just a lavender with tan/gold leakage on the hackle, saddle, and shoulder feathers?? do they breed the same as lavenders? Black x Isabel = Black Isabel Splits?

"Isabel" genetically is Lavender diluted Crele. Crele is Cuckoo/Barred Partridge. Lavender, is Lavender. It is it's own gene and is sometimes also referred to as Self-Blue.

The reason Isabel "looks to be just a lavender with tan/gold leakage on the hackle, saddle, and shoulder feathers??" is because Lavender doesn't only dilute the black based parts of a birds plumage but also the red/orange parts of the feathers. So the black barring turns pale gray (Lavender) and the red/orange of a Partridge bird turns yellow/pale gold.

The pastel hue of the Isabel color makes it hard to discern the bird's pattern. Conversely, depending on how well patterned underneath the Lavender dilution is could attribute to the lack of definition in the bird.

Breeding a Black cock bird to a Isabel hen will produce single barred male offspring and solid Black female offspring. All with red/gold leakage (especially in the males) and all recessively carrying 1 copy of the Lavender gene.

Breeding a Isabel cock bird to a Black hen will produce single barred male offspring and barred female offspring. All again with red/gold leakage and all recessively carrying 1 copy of the Lavender gene.
Thanks for the compliments, those are my pride and joy :)

I call my birds Isabel Cuckoo but genetically they are Isabel Partridge Cuckoo Orpingtons. (Lavender Crele) I shortened the name a bit :)
This is what most people call them in England.

As far as breeding to blacks, I am not entirely sure and a genetics guru might need to chime in on this one. I would assume you are correct though about the splits unless someone else chimes in who is better at genetics than I am.

TheNuttyChick: Isabel and Porcelain are two different colors. Porcelain is Isabel with the mottling gene.
Quick correction, Porcelain is not Isabel with the Mottling gene.
Isabel withe the mottling gene essentially would be a Lavender Mottled Barred/Cuckoo Partridge bird. Which in the males would look almost solid white, with a gray cast and sort of Exchequer-esque in the females.They might look something like the Fifty-Five Flower Hens but replace the Black parts of the birds with Lavender.


Porcelain is Mille Fleur with the Lavender gene, there is no Barring involved.


To create Porcelain Orpingtons you would simply breed Jubilee and Lavender Orpingtons together, then breed their offspring together until you got the desired color result.
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I love that about my orpringtons. They are the sweetest chickens. My Buff sits on my feet waiting to be picked up when I come into the barn and she is so proud of her eggs. she literally takes me to where she has laid it to show it off. I would let her keep it to see if she would go broody if I had a nice male to introduce her to with the object of matrimony. in her future.

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