The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Love the calender. I have always wanted to do one but extra time has been hard to come by and i am slow at stuff like that.
Comes to find out, another person on here got burned too. They got buff orpingtons such as I did. MY chicks are buff orpingtons
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OK, folks...I'm done in by the temptation finally, and want some English Orp eggs for the 3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatchalong. Has anyone got any eggs to spare that they can send out this week? PM me for trades or prices.

I will need them sent by Weds or Thurs. I'll settle for a few eggs, too- ANYTHING!!

*such an addict!!*

Would you mind PMing me the name so I don't get the same treatment?

People who do this need to be called out so that others do not get burned. I would like to know who also.....

On another note - everyone please beware of buying first year imported birds unless you see the permit or KNOW they are a legit importer. Anybody that imports should have no problem in either giving you the import number or a scanned copy of the permit it self. People who bring in birds illegally run a great risk of bringing over some type of disease.... and if you buy from a bird (breed) that has not been through the test - you run the risk of bringing in a disease to your farm that could devastate your breed stock.

Would you mind PMing me the name so I don't get the same treatment?

People who do this need to be called out so that others do not get burned. I would like to know who also.....

On another note - everyone please beware of buying first year imported birds unless you see the permit or KNOW they are a legit importer. Anybody that imports should have no problem in either giving you the import number or a scanned copy of the permit it self. People who bring in birds illegally run a great risk of bringing over some type of disease.... and if you buy from a bird (breed) that has not been through the test - you run the risk of bringing in a disease to your farm that could devastate your breed stock.


That is one reason we started the thread Importation of Hatching Eggs: USDA so folks would know how to properly import hatching eggs etc.
People who do this need to be called out so that others do not get burned. I would like to know who also.....

On another note - everyone please beware of buying first year imported birds unless you see the permit or KNOW they are a legit importer. Anybody that imports should have no problem in either giving you the import number or a scanned copy of the permit it self. People who bring in birds illegally run a great risk of bringing over some type of disease.... and if you buy from a bird (breed) that has not been through the test - you run the risk of bringing in a disease to your farm that could devastate your breed stock.


That is one reason we started the thread Importation of Hatching Eggs: USDA so folks would know how to properly import hatching eggs etc.

I believe in this case - the people know how to import - but do not want to pay the fees associated to do it right - nor deal with the paperwork.
Would you mind PMing me the name so I don't get the same treatment?

Please PM me also... I think I know already but would like to confirm

If I am wrong then there may be more than one.

Kathy - I LOVE your calendar !! I think I might try to get up some favorite photos of my birds and do this. Any tips I should know to make it easier. I am NOT the most computer-savvy person around.

Roger - Your birds looks great. I'm so happy that you are thrilled with them. Once you get bit by the English Orp bug, there is no turning back. Glad you're getting eggs now - hopefully they'll all be laying soon and you'll be hatching away. Be sure to trim them. It has been my experience with my birds that if I don't trim both the cockerels and the pullets, fertility is pretty poor. Once they are trimmed, fertility is near 100%.

I haven't seen Crele here in the US. When I imported mine, I got some Crele eggs but none of them hatched

Sorry to hear about you getting ripped off WVChicken - that stinks.
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