This afternoon I'l be attending a dog training class. The trainer (who keeps chicken too btw) agreed to have a chat with me in regards to addressing a couple of red flags. I'm mostly concerned about her not being socialized with other animals.

I did get to chat with the owner last night. @DiYMama540 it'd be a total bromance! :) He was just as pleasant on the phone as he is on YouTube. He did check out the Quack Shack, and we (yes, you folks too) made a good enough impression he offered to wave to rehome fee. I was honest with him about my concerns, and that I was meeting the trainer to discuss them. In return he answered any questions I had. Neither of us is in a rush which is nice. We both want to be sure this is going to work out for everybody concerned.

I'm excited but trying to remain a bit reserved. I'll know more tonight after the training class as far as where to go from here.
Fresh breath guaranteed!


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