Poor peeper. You think it'll have an effect on quality of life? Other than not being able to really fly up to roost (but neither can most silkies and they're doing alright) it's not like it really affects the ability to eat or drink, right?
So far it's done pretty good. Eats and drinks just fine. The only problem si far was twice I've found it laying on its back and breathing hard. I just hope the deformation doesn't effect it's lungs. They're right in that area.

It's got an inquisitive personality, so with my luck it's a cockerel. Which is okay. Just won't let it breed. Actually, these are not pure so it's not a breeder anyways.
Supposedly. Maybe I'm just not a fan of the jubilee pattern. I really like the millie fleur, but I've never seen it in a large breed chicken.
I think the Mille Fleur is a more attractive pattern. Jubilee is nice but to me it's more of a natural coloration where MF has that designer look to it. I'm pretty sure it's a naturally found pattern, I just think it's flashier.
Don't mind the messy brooder, I haven't changed their puppy pads yet this morning. They went from hardly pooping at all yesterday to that grand explosion of poop today. Yay?


This blue guy is an Isbar. For whatever reason, I didn't realize they were blue.

Male & female Bielefelders. I bought my god daughters bielefelder hatching eggs last year and they've been super pleased with their hen and rooster, so I'm excited to add a couple of biele girls to our flock.

So, I have a question about crested cream legbars. I have a couple that are basically all yellow like this. I kind of see a whiter spot on their head. Are these male? Most of these are this color, with maybe 2-3 being the typical dark female pattern.


Darker female cream legbar
Well it's raining... some birds went for cover. Obviously the ducks don't give a quack. The Silkies though.... They're out there taking a shower. They don't even look worried about it. More like a fuzzy duck at this point.

My silkies are the same way, it's so weird. I almost feel like they like getting their head wet because then their top hat parts and they can actually SEE. I had two that forgot to come home to the coop one night. The husband and I searched for an hour and we found one just sitting randomly in the field by the barn, I guess it got too dark to figure out how to get back. The other we never found that night, so I figured it was a goner. That night we had a downpour basically all night, it was bad. I felt sick knowing that little bird was out there somewhere. The next morning she was at the coop door, like a tiny soaked dog, waiting to be let back in. 😂 It didn't phase her whatsoever. Silkies are weird.
Yes Yay! :highfive:
The Isbar comes in BBS most times I've seen them. I think they are prettiest in blue. It's one of the few breeds I'm not a fan of in splash.

Not sure how to answer the Legbar question. Awfully cute though.
If someone figured out how to do millie fleur orpingtons, I'd be on those like hotcakes!
You and me both! :love

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