@Tooshay89 You've had me cracking up working my through this :gig Just for fun, there's a 501(c)3 that helps people with unreasonable chicken laws. They have a legal team that will review the HOA bylaws and find the holes. A lot of HOAs prevent ownership of farm animals so people just babysit or rent. :gigAnd then there's the chicken underground, specializing in civil disobedience. :lau
@Tooshay89 :lau I loved reading that story! It’s perfect!! Though I can’t help but to wonder if you had gotten them right away when that other guy was in charge and already had them for a year or whatever and they saw how non problematic they were if they would have been more okay with it? Though probably not. I bet with as petty as they seem they would have changed the rule and made you get rid of them all. So probably better you got the other place. Especially cause it seems like they were specifically targeting you too with some of those other rules!! So ridiculous. :th some places are like that though. Almost cult like mentality and don’t like newcomers/try to drive them out. I probably would have just stayed just to spite them/not let them succeed haha are you still there? I note the other post was almost 2 years ago now? :th
@Tooshay89 You've had me cracking up working my through this :gig Just for fun, there's a 501(c)3 that helps people with unreasonable chicken laws. They have a legal team that will review the HOA bylaws and find the holes. A lot of HOAs prevent ownership of farm animals so people just babysit or rent. :gigAnd then there's the chicken underground, specializing in civil disobedience. :lau

:lau amazing!

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