I'm NOT proud of people in general. Do you know what we had to do at work today? We had to recall all Ivermectin products. Ivermectin, Ivomec, Eprinex, all the horse dewormer pastes like Quest and Equimax, etc.

Because there was an article posted about how, in a lab, it seemed like Ivermectin killed the virus. So people started buying up all these livestock dewormers to eat, drink, pour on themselves, etc.

So good luck deworming your animals now. You better want to use Safeguard or Pyrantel or something.
That's crazy stuff.

Good morning! I have a question about what @Pyxis said, are people really that stupid?or is it hysteria?or both?
Good morning Patti. :hugs
I feel the older I get, the more I think people really are that stupid. Of course, there's also the media with their stories of terror, which I'd guess is driving hysteria too. :confused:
@Trimurtisan Thanks for the mention and happy hatching! Best of luck on your OE projects :)
@Pyxis I just couldn't believe it when I heard that on the news. I got some ordered now we'll see if they actually ship it! ARGH
No problem, and thank you for the beautiful eggs.

Do you or @Pyxis know if they banned it nation wide? Ive got plenty on hand (for now), but I'm going to the feed store today. If it's available here, I could pick some up if y'all need it.

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