👀 this little ones head markings look exactly like a famous painting by Edvard Munch…. 😱 i think maybe she has chosen for herself a name ? 😄 MUNCH! and in keeping with the famous painter theme, her sibling must be Called DALI - a personal favorite- oh yes, they are 🧑‍🎨View attachment 3834812 even their little bodies look like paint brushes dipped in black ink!!!
So absolutely precious!!!!
👀 this little ones head markings look exactly like a famous painting by Edvard Munch…. 😱 i think maybe she has chosen for herself a name ? 😄 MUNCH! and in keeping with the famous painter theme, her sibling must be Called DALI - a personal favorite- oh yes, they are 🧑‍🎨View attachment 3834812 even their little bodies look like paint brushes dipped in black ink!!!
Such precious littles. @Jenbirdee did you get the KC and Cayuga you replied to the other day?
This one is a wild child. goes hysterical if it sees you coming from a mile away. you can see the crazy eyes look. was near impossible to get a good pic . reminds me of something that you might find growing wild in the
forest. Mushroom? 🍄🟫
This one is a wild child. goes hysterical if it sees you coming from a mile away. you can see the crazy eyes look. was near impossible to get a good pic . reminds me of something that you might find growing wild in the View attachment 3835174forest. Mushroom? 🍄🟫
That was my experience with KC. Even raised from hatching, they were skittish and wild.
That was my experience with KC. Even raised from hatching, they were skittish and wild.
Yes, KC are... volatile. Some people say runners are the most nervous breed. I don't know but KC's are plenty nervous :)

Our 2 little ones are now tall enough that they can hop out of the cardboard box used to move them between their indoor and outdoor large pen. Had to chase them in the grass today. They have good instincts, they ran straight for the large-leaved weeds to hide under.
In our round 2 in the incubator, it is now day 18 and when candling we saw that one more egg fell back along the way and stopped developing. Contents just floating around, no veins visible anymore.

The remaining 9 look really good though.

Following our own and a friend's hatching experience we now know to be watchful for first ducklings to start hatching way before day 28 - 24, 25 are both realistic.
Oh my what cuteness :)

Is it OK for such little ducklings (while they don't yet have feathers) to bathe and dive, getting really wet? I had this idea from somewhere that I should wait... Have I been holding them back for no reason? Should the water be warm?
yes warm water, a place to stand, and only did 5 minutes at 5 days old, 6 minutes at 6 days, etc, never leave the room keep an eye on them the whole time, dry them well with paper towels, then put them right under the heat lamp or whatever heat source you are using.
my Frankie Gossling sorely needs his leg exercise swim time, and he refused to swim around alone so when I add other ducklings, he goes wild and gets good exercise.

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