

Nov 22, 2018
There was frozen yolk under the roost where my Nugget sits. I brought her home and gave her an epsom bath. She then took a nap. When she woke up, a thick yellow poop came out. She will be 1 yrs old December 6th. She is my best friend and can't lose her. I had a hen last year die and the same poop came out. Please help!


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1. Her last egg I saw was a week ago. It broke but came out. I gave her a bath then. She was acting fine until today.
2. Nugget has no food in her crop. She won't try to eat or take a piece of bread. She is drinking.
3. She's back and forth. She slept after her bath and is back and forth between her eyes closed and preening herself.
She's always been so lively hugging me and stuff but she's been in this same spot closing her eyes. She's standing. No fever. Hasn't talked much. No respiratory problems or sneezing


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Thanks for that last information. It helps a lot.

Nugget may be suffering from an infection in her reproductive track caused by the irritation of the egg breaking inside her. This is not a rare event with layers. It's very important to treat it with an antibiotic.

You probably don't have an antibiotic on hand unless you have some left over from someone in your household needing one for a recent infection. If you do have an antibiotic, please give us the information, and we'll let you know if you can use it.

If you don't have an antibiotic, go here and order the Fish Mox 250mg. antibiotics

Meanwhile, give Nugget a calcium tablet if you have any on hand. If not, get some at Walmart in the pharmacy. I like to use the calcium citrate mini-tabs with vitamin D3. Give her one whole tablet for two days in a row.

Watch to see if she is passing any more egg remnants. It's also possible she has another egg coming down and it's stuck behind egg leftovers from a week ago. The calcium will help her pass it. Keep her in a quiet place and warm. Also, be sure she's drinking lots of water. If she isn't you need to get some warm water into her asap.

The antibiotic is important to clear up the infection so she might be able to lay again in the future.
I have tylan 50 but its abt. 9mths expired. I can order more on eBay. Might take a while to get it tho. She drank some tums soaked in water. The egg from last week came out that day. She's been napping on me for now.
Use the expired Tylan. Antibiotics are usually still effective for a considerable time after the expiration date. Instead of ordering more Tylan, order some amoxicillin. The link I provided is for a very excellent company that ships the same day you order. When it comes, switch Nugget over to the Fish Mox. One 250mg capsule once a day, or divide it in half and give it twice a day for ten days even though you started her on the Tylan.
She pooped again. This time with a wet poo. And now she's drinking alot.


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