This is INSANE,where do these people come from????Update, Pg 5

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Ok...I agree with keeping the log, getting photographic/video evidence...but "fear" of him escalating things isn't going to help. Especially since the cops aren't going to "lock him up" for YEARS just for letting his dog crap on other people's property! Seriously....getting a ticket/fine COULD push some nutsos over the edge too! (Hasn't anyone seen the videos of a cop pulling a lady over who starts to scream and cuss out the cop cause she doesn't have the $80 to pay for ANOTHER speeding ticket?! The lady gets downright psychotic!) But again, don't let fear paralize you either. I would definitely figure out where this guy is "staying" while in your area though "just in case" you need the information later. OOOOH...put up a sign on your front door saying something like:

"ALL POOP LEFT IN THIS VACINITY WILL BE SENT TO THE DNA LAB FOR ANALYSIS. RESULTS COULD LEAD TO PROSECUTION OF VIOLATORS OF LOCAL COUNTY ORDINANCE [insert here] REGARDING CLEANING UP AFTER DOMESTIC ANIMALS. EACH PILE REPRESENTS A SEPARATE VIOLATION. VIOLATION RESULTS IN A $XX FINE." (also post NO TRESSPASSING signs in very visible locations as they can absolve the homeowner of potential claims of injuries sustained on YOUR property by tresspassors!) Then again...this is all assuming the guy can read!

Anywhoo...I would definitely speak with other neighbors. Ask them if THEY have a video camera or would mind taking a photo of this guy at your doorstep, dog "in action" or whatever. Ask them to keep an eye on your house/yard if they think of it, you know...they're near their front window...why not just peek out and 'scan' the street? (I do it all the time!) Also, this guy could be a "visitor" to someone else in the neighborhood, could work 2nd or 3rd shift (hence no one is really sure who he is). Someone's (creepy) boyfriend or something like that.

With a teenaged daughter in the house I too would be very concerned...check the online sex registries (just in case you see his photo there), obviously make sure your daughter (and everyone in your home) is VERY aware of their surroundings...even at home! Ultimately, I think a photo would really help law enforcement ID the guy and could post photos of him (taken while walking the dog in the neighborhood) and send out fliers to the people on your street (with his photo) letting them know to be on the lookout for this guy! Or at least that his dog has been pooping in your yard! (Not like a slander campaign or anything...) But maybe if you walked around with a photo of him (in action), someone may ID him or be able to provide more info on him.

Either way, good luck and keep us updated.

The electric fence is a good idea too! lol

Fences DO make for good long as you can pick your type of fence! I cant' in my I'm still FORCED to have to look at and deal with a set of NASTY neighbors...that's why I'm planning on a "green fence"!

Ooooh...really THORNY rosebush fences can help too!
All very good ideas.
I am now glad I posted this, its good to get other perspectives from people not directly involved.
The dog crapping in the yard isnt a GREAT thing but its probably one of the things that concerns me about this guy the least,(though it bothers me plenty!) if that makes any sense? The continuing to trespass even when told not to and just his general "creepiness" is of more concern to me.
Bargain, I liked your story about your customer.
I would NEVER be against someone for being a little different, there are all kinds in this world and if you had asked me up to the point he started this, I would have told you I am one of the most tolerant people of others behavior.

Like I said, this is really a gut instinct thing. I dont trust that he is a harmless eccentric. There is more to it.
Eww. When I checked the online sex registries, there were six offenders within a couple mile radius. Makes me really wonder.
Sigh. Anyway, first things first. I am determined to get that picture!!!!!! (Or video, daughter says I DO have it on my camera so I am going to figure it out.)
Update. I havent been able to catch him again recently though know he has been around.(pretty obvious,lol
I have done some asking around, the police and city office have done their checking too.
There are a couple ideas who it is because of a similiar complaint made last year.
For all I have never trusted the law much (didnt have reason to), I have to admit they arent ignoring it and that is very much appreciated.
A motion-sensor game camera might help your case. I think even Wal-mart carries them and they don't cost much.

They snap a picture when something moves. They're very discreet, I had one aimed at the chicken coop to catch pics of my mysterious predator (it was a fox) and I got lots and lots of pictures of myself feeding the chickens
I never heard the thing go off and mine has an infrared flash, so I never saw it either. He probably wouldn't notice it at all and the camera time and date stamps each picture, so you'd get a record of every single offense to charge him with!
I used to have a game camera but think my brother borrowed it, I will have to see if I can get it back.
The guy isnt a neighbor, honestly before I started asking around I had NO idea where he might even be coming from!
i might follow him home just to know where he lives to tell the police to go talk to him. you can't do anything to him or his property cause than you are no better than him. you are trying to reason with a person who can't reason at all.
I fear I might be more psycho than this nut; good thing it isn't my yard that goof ball is doing it to. I would have him down eating it, not that I recommend doing this, it's just that I'm not right.
Sigh. Complete revenge and MORE is my initial reaction to all this because I have a teenager in the house.
I am trying to go through the correct channels to get help with this. I know thats the considered "right" thing to do.
However, as ticked as I am about this whole situation and as protective I feel about my child, I cannot predict the outcome if I catch him again before anyone else does.
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