Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Hmmm.... You must know a hatcher or something. LOL
Does duck and goose math work like chicken math? I'm thinking its worse. See, they are harder to hatch, so therefore you must set more eggs. Also, they die easier, so you have to set even more eggs to hatch more eggs. Then, turns out your a good experienced hatcher/brooder, and all those eggs hatch (Ok, I'm dreaming) and you end up up to your eyeballs in little fuzzybutts. (And worse, your attached to them now, and never sell or eat them either one).
Does duck and goose math work like chicken math? I'm thinking its worse. See, they are harder to hatch, so therefore you must set more eggs. Also, they die easier, so you have to set even more eggs to hatch more eggs. Then, turns out your a good experienced hatcher/brooder, and all those eggs hatch (Ok, I'm dreaming) and you end up up to your eyeballs in little fuzzybutts. (And worse, your attached to them now, and never sell or eat them either one).
Lol, I have equal problems with all of them it seems. I have a soft spot for geese though.
I like that they are far less skittish than ducks. After all these years with just the ducks (until I discovered you can order hatching eggs from dang near anywhere) geese seem remarkably calm, quiet, and friendly. (Not my moms geese, but I picked better)
Does duck and goose math work like chicken math? I'm thinking its worse. See, they are harder to hatch, so therefore you must set more eggs. Also, they die easier, so you have to set even more eggs to hatch more eggs. Then, turns out your a good experienced hatcher/brooder, and all those eggs hatch (Ok, I'm dreaming) and you end up up to your eyeballs in little fuzzybutts. (And worse, your attached to them now, and never sell or eat them either one).
Eventually you move into the duck house and the ducks move into yours. Duck math is dangerous.
They are all acting funny. DH just came and told me the African male is fighting with my buff boy. I'm on my way to go seperate into other pens. What is this about???

oh CONGRATS on the NEW EGGS!!!! PIC???? Is it fertile? Are you gonna get a hatch day going on ??
They are all acting funny. DH just came and told me the African male is fighting with my buff boy. I'm on my way to go seperate into other pens. What is this about???

oh CONGRATS on the NEW EGGS!!!! PIC???? Is it fertile? Are you gonna get a hatch day going on ??
A lot of people I've talked to have been saying their mandies and woodies are laying right now. Strange that so many are laying out of season.

First one: we eat. Really wasn't going to hatch anything until February, but I might make an exception. Maybe I should let goosie girl do the work for me. It took a lot of coaxing to get her off that egg this morning. (I'll look for the bulleye when we crack it, never see them mating)
Chinese geese lay the most eggs of all the breeds, thy and Africans often lay earlier and longer than the others. Our African trio were laying in September and still laying at their new home.

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