Tractor Supply Chicks

Chick Days are almost here
and my DH told me we Need more chickens WT... I am in soo much trouble. lol
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What breeds will they have? I want to get some golden comets & maybe a Easter egger or two.

You can go to and enter "chick days" in search to see choices . However, I have 3 TSC close to home (2 within a 10 min drive)
and I found last year that each of these stores get different breeds in, on different days of the week. They never know ahead which breed(s) they will get in on their delivery day or if they will be SL, Pullets or Straight Run. If you want a specific breed or sex find out what day of the week your store gets their delivery and what time they will get them into the store and be there ready.
If they don't have what you want, check back on the next delivery day of next week or find another TSC to track.
Happy Hunting
This will be our first batch - We're pretty excited! They SAID they can sell us only baby hens - is this true?

The TSC's local to me generally have both pullets and straight run chicks available. As long as you purchase from a pullet's only bin, you have a better chance of getting only hens. Keep in mind though, that unless you are getting a breed that is gender visible at hatch (sex links & barred rocks), there is still a 10% chance that there will be a gender error.

TSC used to be a free for all so it was possible for a customer to pick up a chick from a straight run bin and put it down in a pullet bin and the next unsuspecting customer would get a cockerel thinking it was a pullet. Last year TSC cordoned off the bins and only allowed employees to handle them so hopefully that cut down on the instance of this happening.
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tsc only has baby chicks. l've already been to my guy and came home with 16 fuzzy butts!!! can't resist those little babies. l'm not done yet either. l get the fever this time every
year. ha ha ha ha plus what l'm hoping will hatch sunday ( 12 ).
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don't go to TSC during chick days when you're not going to buy a chick.
Or else you might just end up coming home with more passengers then you expected
hahahah, it always happened to me! xD​
My Tractor Supply Store said a few more weeks! This is not good! Not good!!!!
Once I see them I cant stop thinking about them and then before you know it I have a light on my brooder box with some little fluffy things inside!!! I am in trouble!

I am exactly the right now I have 3 bators running, a silkie on eggs, an order coming in July, one coming next week and 8 1 week old BR's in the brooder! AND I want some GC's from TSC!!!

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