Trenching Hardware Cloth vs. Hardware Cloth Floor?


5 Years
May 5, 2014
Our coop is nearing completion. I was going to trench the hardware cloth around the perimeter, but someone told me that putting it across the floor of the run is better.

Her reasoning is that it keeps mice out as well as predators.

She said to put a thick layer of gravel and sand on top of the cloth. She never needs to supplement grit this way.

What do you think? Would mice be smart enough to get around trenched hardware cloth?
Trenching usually works, but running hardward cloth across the floor is the only guarantee that nothing will ever dig into the coop, so I have always run 1/2 " hardward cloth across the floors of my coops and runs. Fine pea gravel will work well over the hardware cloth, but I would not use a fine sand such as playground sand or beach sand as it can sometimes impact a chicken's crop.

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