Trip to feed store leads to political arguement!

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And if more people thought like you how many more people would be employed here ?

I am a girl who has an expensive pair of shoes. saved up for two years, for a 250 dollar pair of work boots made in america, high quality, water proof, steel toe logging boots.

I am by no means rich, but I try to go for quality and locally or at least american made. When I can't afford these things, I go to thrift stores. Sure some are probably made over seas, but the money stays in the local area, usually going to help the needy, and I have found good quality clothes at these thrift stores.

I do not always buy american made. There are many times where I just cant afford it. I honestly think we need to encourage business to stay in the US any way we can.
I am a girl who has an expensive pair of shoes. saved up for two years, for a 250 dollar pair of work boots made in america, high quality, water proof, steel toe logging boots.

I am by no means rich, but I try to go for quality and locally or at least american made. When I can't afford these things, I go to thrift stores. Sure some are probably made over seas, but the money stays in the local area, usually going to help the needy, and I have found good quality clothes at these thrift stores.

I do not always buy american made. There are many times where I just cant afford it. I honestly think we need to encourage business to stay in the US any way we can.

Most times buying the quality is the cheaper way in the long run.

The only way to encourage business to stay here is with your wallet. The only reason a business is in business is to make money. There is no other reason.

Reading through the thread as a newbie I have to say that it appears that so many people are not really informed about the reasons why the USA is in the shape that it is in. I vote issues, not party, so I make it my business to really dig into what the media and politicians will not tell you. Yes, Bush had his faults but there are some things that we all need to realize. ONE of which; the economy didn't make it's down-turn until the Dems took congress after he was re-elected. It was on January 3, 2007 that for the first time since 1995 the Democrats took full control of both houses of Congress. That day marked the beginning of the downward turn of the economy that continued to worsen right through to the next election season.

President George W. Bush’s management of the economy had resulted in fifty-two consecutive months of job creation, a record among his predecessors. As for the jobs that were lost during that time, many of the policies that sent jobs overseas were put into motion under the Clinton administration as well as the laws that set up the housing bubble that burst under Bush. YES, Bush could have repealed those practices but at the time he would have been crucifed in the media even more so than he already was if he had pushed for such reform when it all seemed to be going fine at the time. Though to be frank, Bush did try to send out a warning that was not heeded about the housing bubble. The record shows that, President Bush, citing the risk to national security, asked the Democrats on SEVENTEEN separate occasions to stop the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac home-mortgage lending frenzy.

Now as for the "Tax Cuts" for the "Wealthy" that has been touted by those that would like to divide the nation by class warfare, Take a good look at them. Among those that are receiving the "Breaks" include small business owners that put all of their meager profits right back into the business. The small mom and pop stores that only have about six employees or the contractors that only hires based on the work available at the time. Breaks for the working poor are also intangled in that mess but it doesn't make a good sound bite to point that out. You won't find a politician of either party say, "The wealthiest of Americans can afford to pay a little more BUT in order to make sure they do so those of you making minimum wage will be expected to pay a little more as well. I'm sorry but you will be bringing home about three grand a year less if we go after those PRIVILEDGED individuals."

Not to mention, wasn't this nation founded on the principles that if you work hard there was no limit to the amount of success you can achieve? Why be upset that others are successful? The fact that someone else has been has not been the reason that I have not reached that same level of success. I do not begrudge others what they have earned.
When Obama says he inherited a monumental economic problem he is correct, but the question is who should get the blame. Over the past six years, by the end of this year the Democrats will have controlled the House for four years, the Senate for six and the presidency for four. That equates to more than SEVENTY-SEVEN percent of the power for the past six years. Yet with all of that control Bush is still the scape goat for all of the problems that face this nation.

Now do I support all that Bush did while he was in office? NOPE! Among them is some of the wars in the Middle East. One of which has been "Defended" by saying that they had bad intel about Iraq. Intel that was the same as every single nation that we are allies with. That excuse didn't fly for Bush yet that was one of the excuses that has been offered up for what happened in Libya. Though each day we learn more and more of what WAS known prior to the attack there that murdered four Americans. If the same excuse didn't work for one president then why should the next one believe that he can use it?

Anyway, there are two lessons to be learned from this thread. One, politics should only be discussed if you are ready and willing to listen to another's POV with an open mind.

Two, never give blind support to any politician. Each should earn your support and be held accountable when they error. Regardless of the party affiliation.
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Yes, I also think the problems we have today are the result of our congress – not necessarily the executive branch. Also, we have very deep problems with our judicial branch of government. But I am beginning to think that the bases of these problems go far deeper than the adventures of our individual politicians. I have this gut feeling that we are culturally at the end of our road. Hopefully, I am wrong and what I experience is simply an emotional response to my advancing age. But still, there are things that are hard to ignore. Most of us are not interested in finding the truth in any question or situation; instead, we only want to hear those things that substantiate our own beliefs and prejudices – thus the guy with his fingers in his ears.

I thought this was a poultry website ...........

I'm just sayin'
Just a comment on shipping jobs overseas... most of the jobs that are shipped over seas are jobs that obviously were too costly to have done here and were really minimum wage/no skill positions and quite frankly are not family wage jobs anymore as determined by the marketplace. Now we are trying to figure out what thoe people are going to do as they have no skills or desire to get retrained. They just take a look at what the government can provide and decide that working is not the best route for themselves. This is the problem,It is not trying to bring back jobs that nobody is willing to do for the wages offered for those type of jobs. Our next big spiral is going to be the debate over student loans and the inability of students to pay them back and get a job capable of paying them back at a realistic rate. I hope I am wrong but it sure is looking that way.
The OP was not talking to the man when he said "you are out of your mind".

I cannot resist adding this: If someone told me to vote for Romney, I'd tell them they were out of their mind as well. LOL
I don't like Obama or Romney. If there was a choice to vote for a cooked biscuit, I'd vote for the biscuit. I have a lot conservative views but a cooked biscuit sounds fine for president. Glue some googley eyes on it and name it Herbert the Biscuit. President Herbert
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