Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

Random Stranger: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Me: I want to be an eccentric philanthropist.

Random Stranger (to my brother): What do you want to be when you grow up?
Brother: Well, with my families support of coarse, *proceeds to describe chocolate bath*

Random Stranger (to my little sister): And what do you want to be when you grow up?
Sister: A hobo. :th

*dies of having to hold in laughter* :lau :lau :lau :lau

Has she watched Kit Kittrige recently? First thing that came to my mind why she'd say that. :lol:
Yeah. The few friends I've made didn't believe me when i told them. The dude is GIANT. :th

I`m mean.... I would have punched him
I probably would've kicked him so hard i broke his knee.... But he knows what he's doing. I had no idea what he'd really said till he started walking away. :th
He came up to me, super chill and nice, and i thought he was just being friendly. We exchanged general greetings and stuff, and he was all like "Hey, if you ever wanna go out to lunch, just let me know :)"
I shrugged and was like "cool :)"

Then the bell rang and he was like "cool, see ya :frow"

Thats when i realized.... :th
It made no sense. At all o_o

BTW i almost did break a kids knee today. :lau :lau :oops: :hmm
Yeah. The few friends I've made didn't believe me when i told them. The dude is GIANT. :th

I probably would've kicked him so hard i broke his knee.... But he knows what he's doing. I had no idea what he'd really said till he started walking away. :th
He came up to me, super chill and nice, and i thought he was just being friendly. We exchanged general greetings and stuff, and he was all like "Hey, if you ever wanna go out to lunch, just let me know :)"
I shrugged and was like "cool :)"

Then the bell rang and he was like "cool, see ya :frow"

Thats when i realized.... :th
It made no sense. At all o_o

BTW i almost did break a kids knee today. :lau :lau :oops: :hmm

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