Were you able to get some dust or spray to treat the mites?

If I had a bird that I wanted to deworm, I would use a Known Anthelmintic like Fenbendazole (Safeguard) or Albendazole (Valbazen) that work instead of a natural Remedy.
You can find Safeguard at most feed stores in the goat or horse section. Valbazen can be ordered online.

IF you are going to give him a Remedy like The Poultry Store product, then it would be prudent to give the correct amount and duration according to packaging/manufacturer's instructions.
Directions on your package says 1 Tablespoon per 4 birds. Giving an individual bird a "dose" is 3/4 Teaspoon, so your 1/4 Teaspoon is not correct.
This product is to be given for 14 days in a row, so you need to continue with what you started if you are going this route. Complete instructions are posted below along with a link to their website.

Do you have a friend, parent, partner or someone that can help you with treating him?
He needs extra attention right now and sometimes having help can make things easier.

**Measuring Scoop included, 1 TBS. (1) times per day for (14) days per 4 Birds. For larger quanity of birds put into multiple feeders. Skip 2 Weeks and repeat 1 scoop (1) time per day for 14 days, to aid in shedding eggs. After 2 initial doseages, use (3) times a week once per day as a maintenance. https://www.thepoultrystore.com/product-page/natural-dewormer
I’ll go to the store in a little bit. I’ll continue the process of deworming him with the 3/4ths from now on.
Just curious here, are there instructions on the back of that package? If so, can get you photos of that?
There were no instructions on the back. I went to the store and found the permethrin. I used my hands and applied a generous amount of dust all over his body trying not to get it near his face. Do I apply it to his head? His neck is the furthest I went. How often do I do this? I also picked up a liquid version. To spray the coop. It has a different name though. It’s called permectrin II.
The permethrin 10 comes in a concentrate bottle, 8,16, or more ounces, and it can be mixed with water in a spray bottle to treat the coop, nests, and roosts once bedding is removed.
I couldn’t find that. I did find one called permectrin II. It’s for the same thing. Concentrate bottle to spray the coop.
There were no instructions on the back. I went to the store and found the permethrin. I used my hands and applied a generous amount of dust all over his body trying not to get it near his face. Do I apply it to his head? His neck is the furthest I went. How often do I do this? I also picked up a liquid version. To spray the coop. It has a different name though. It’s called permectrin II.
He likely has mites on his head too. Check.
Once you start dusting, critters try to evade the dust, moving toward the head usually. So check him good. If he has mites on his head, then you want to carefully dust the head and under the beak and neck too.
He likely has mites on his head too. Check.
Once you start dusting, critters try to evade the dust, moving toward the head usually. So check him good. If he has mites on his head, then you want to carefully dust the head and under the beak and neck too.
I’ll do his head tomorrow. So how often should I do it during his rough times?
For mites, you'll want to dust him every 5 days for a couple of weeks, then see if they are all gone.
Hopefully he will start to improve with getting rid of the mites and eating a nutritionally balanced feed.
Ok. I’ll continue with that routine. Thanks for the info. I’ll update you on his status. Have yourself a happy new year.

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