Please do keep me posted on how he's doing.

Happy New Year to you too:)
Here’s an update. He might be getting worse. One of his wings is drooping and He doesn’t walk all that often. He stays in the coop all day. The only time he walks is to go rest in a nesting box. I kept him outside in a cage yesterday because it was the only sunny day of the week. I’ve given him the same dewormer for the past couple days like you said. I bathed him in the powder the other day. I have started to feed him egg and vitamins in water for strength but no recovery :(. I don’t know what to do or what’s even wrong with him. It doesn’t sound like his nose is blocked. I hope this isn’t the answer but I’m thinking his illness might be related to marek’s. I’ve already had a number of birds that have gotten this so the disease has probably cemented itself into the whole flock.
Sorry that he is worse. Since you say you have Mareks in the flock, this may be symptoms of Mareks. They can have paralysis of legs or wings, develop tumors in organs or on the skin, and may also have eye symptoms. Let us know how he gets along. Make sure that he can reach his food and water. If you lose him or decide to put him down, getting a necropsy would give you some answers.
Sorry that he is worse. Since you say you have Mareks in the flock, this may be symptoms of Mareks. They can have paralysis of legs or wings, develop tumors in organs or on the skin, and may also have eye symptoms. Let us know how he gets along. Make sure that he can reach his food and water. If you lose him or decide to put him down, getting a necropsy would give you some answers.
He hasn’t gave me any eye symptoms. I’ve got water and food for him in the coop. That tumor from a while ago might be related. I really hope his Illness isn’t related to that. I wouldn’t want to tear him open though. Just burry him and be done with it. I’ll maybe do it on another chicken that I didn’t become emotionally invested with :). I’ll update you guys on his health. Thank you.
Here’s an update. He might be getting worse. One of his wings is drooping and He doesn’t walk all that often. He stays in the coop all day. The only time he walks is to go rest in a nesting box. I kept him outside in a cage yesterday because it was the only sunny day of the week. I’ve given him the same dewormer for the past couple days like you said. I bathed him in the powder the other day. I have started to feed him egg and vitamins in water for strength but no recovery :(. I don’t know what to do or what’s even wrong with him. It doesn’t sound like his nose is blocked. I hope this isn’t the answer but I’m thinking his illness might be related to marek’s. I’ve already had a number of birds that have gotten this so the disease has probably cemented itself into the whole flock.
I'm sorry he's not doing any better.

Is vet care an option, or do you have a vet that can run a fecal float to see if worms and/or Coccidiosis are issues?
While you are giving that "dewormer" it's a remedy and not really a dewormer. IF he has worms, then as I mentioned previously, I would use an anthelmintic that is known to treat worms.

It can take time to recover from nutritional deficiencies, so if you've just started giving him normal feed and vitamins, you will have to wait and see if he improves.
Since you have suspected Marek's within your flock, then the disease may be contributing to his decline as well. Sadly, some birds are not able to overcome the symptoms and continue to decline.

You have him separated out with his own food/water so he's not having to compete with other birds correct?
If I had a bird that I wanted to deworm, I would use a Known Anthelmintic like Fenbendazole (Safeguard) or Albendazole (Valbazen) that work instead of a natural Remedy.
You can find Safeguard at most feed stores in the goat or horse section. Valbazen can be ordered online.
I'm sorry he's not doing any better.

Is vet care an option, or do you have a vet that can run a fecal float to see if worms and/or Coccidiosis are issues?
While you are giving that "dewormer" it's a remedy and not really a dewormer. IF he has worms, then as I mentioned previously, I would use an anthelmintic that is known to treat worms.

It can take time to recover from nutritional deficiencies, so if you've just started giving him normal feed and vitamins, you will have to wait and see if he improves.
Since you have suspected Marek's within your flock, then the disease may be contributing to his decline as well. Sadly, some birds are not able to overcome the symptoms and continue to decline.

You have him separated out with his own food/water so he's not having to compete with other birds correct?
Just to take him for an examination is quite pricey. If it turns out to be marek’s, I don’t think the vet would possibly be able to help me. He seems wobbly/stumbling (possibly a marek’s symptom) but I’ve had chickens that were sick and wobbly that didn’t have marek’s. He is not separated but it’s like he is separated. He doesn’t have to fight for food and water because he doesn’t leave the coop. Food and water are in the coop. Only the hens come in during the day to lay their eggs. Him struggling to eat and drink is not a problem at least. He rests in a nest box for the majority of the day. He used to be able to get on the roost but now I have to come put him on there. There is no way he falls off that roost as this coop was overly built for chickens who can’t fly. There’s a not so steep super wide ramp that leads to the roosts and the roost (2x4) has a piece of plywood bolted on the bottom of it for safety. About 2 to 3 times the size of the roost. It’s a pretty neat setup for silkies and frizzles. Unfortunately his illness won’t allow him to get up there anymore :(.
Just to take him for an examination is quite pricey. If it turns out to be marek’s, I don’t think the vet would possibly be able to help me. He seems wobbly/stumbling (possibly a marek’s symptom) but I’ve had chickens that were sick and wobbly that didn’t have marek’s. He is not separated but it’s like he is separated. He doesn’t have to fight for food and water because he doesn’t leave the coop. Food and water are in the coop. Only the hens come in during the day to lay their eggs. Him struggling to eat and drink is not a problem at least. He rests in a nest box for the majority of the day. He used to be able to get on the roost but now I have to come put him on there. There is no way he falls off that roost as this coop was overly built for chickens who can’t fly. There’s a not so steep super wide ramp that leads to the roosts and the roost (2x4) has a piece of plywood bolted on the bottom of it for safety. About 2 to 3 times the size of the roost. It’s a pretty neat setup for silkies and frizzles. Unfortunately his illness won’t allow him to get up there anymore :(.
Are the mites gone?
He's getting the vitamins right?
Are the mites gone?
He's getting the vitamins right?
I dusted him again so I assume that they’re gone. I sprayed the whole coop as well. Still giving him the vitamin water and eggs for strength. It was sunny yesterday and he went outside but I had to come get him because he didn’t get in the coop at night. Today he’s in the coop because its not sunny and it’s about to rain. I went to grab him an egg, came back and found him lying on the floor. That concerned me a bit.
How do you know?
AFAIK the only way to know if a bird has Mareks is a necropsy with labs.
You’re right. I don’t know that they have marek’s . There’s many different forms of it. They never became paralyzed is what I meant to say.

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