I'm not saying your ducks didn't die from e coli infections.

I'm saying you didn't have the two bags of feed tested so you can't make the claim it was the feed. That is wrong.

Just say your birds died from e coli. That sucks big time. I'm just pointing out that this:
Looks like an issue that could spread e coli like no body's business.
View attachment 3036626

That is a small space for 50 plus birds.

I'm pointing out that all birds have e coli in their tract.

I'm pointing out that e coli doesn't kill all birds so quickly...that there had to have been something else going on.

You also mention in your other thread that ONLY ducks died. No chickens.
100%, I dont know why people are disputing what you're saying. Ultimately, feed wasnt tested, so it cant be known.
The OP was right to voice concerns and state their concern/suspicion along with what they know, but to state it was the feed as a matter of fact is not fair. That's practically slander. And that should have been corrected
Chickens are just full of ecoli and worse. I used to do research on granite countertops and our go to source for bacteria was a frozen chicken from Walmart. Thaw that sucker out in the fridge, collect the juice, and in a few hours at room temperature you have a wicked amount of some horrible bacteria. Despite all the protective gear I somehow got touched on the top of my head and somehow in the middle of my back once. Huge boils erupted, painful and nasty as heck. Bio security was increased after that episode. Had no desire to eat chicken for months after.

I doubt a bit in the chicken feed caused any harm. The average chicken is walking in it or sitting on poo encrusted feet 24/7. Don't snuggle with chickens! I cringe when I see people doing that.
Was it JUST layer pellets or all the DUMOR and Producer Pride feeds because I buy my baby chick crumble and grains like corn, oats, and black sunflower seeds there. Mullet and Milo and Nyjer seeds. I don't feed any of my chickens pellets or layer feed. I never have had issues with egg laying other than the occasional hiding eggs and end up with baby chicks later. I used to feed layer but I found better ways to feed my chickens but still buy grains and corn scratch.
Was it JUST layer pellets or all the DUMOR and Producer Pride feeds because I buy my baby chick crumble and grains like corn, oats, and black sunflower seeds there. Mullet and Milo and Nyjer seeds. I don't feed any of my chickens pellets or layer feed. I never have had issues with egg laying other than the occasional hiding eggs and end up with baby chicks later. I used to feed layer but I found better ways to feed my chickens but still buy grains and corn scratch.
Welcome to BYC. Please don't feed chicks corn or scratch grains. Think of them as candy or junk food...they take away from chicks getting a balanced meal. The chick crumbled feed has All the nutrition they need to grow correctly. If you are feeding them junk food, they are not going to have a balance diet and you will end up with problems.
Was it JUST layer pellets or all the DUMOR and Producer Pride feeds
Keep in mind, @sandyacrefarms , that this thread is almost a year old.
I don't believe the exact feeds were identified,
nor was the fed actually tested to see whether the feed was the source for the E.Coli infection that killed the birds.

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