Watermelon :-) What treats do your chickens love?

Thank you. My girls are 4 1/2 weeks old and only go out for a half a day to their play pen. We are almost finished with the coop but our temps have been 105 plus here the last few weeks so I'm thinking I'll wait until we are in the 90's again to leave them out there.

Is it okay and necessary for them since they only visit outside right now?
Watermelon is good, but my birds will kill you for blueberries. Dang things ate every one off my bushes before they ripened. They stand below and jump up to grab them. A couple dug and squirmed under the netting to get to the bushes.
Our girls' absolute favorite is watermelon. They spot that as soon as we walk into the yard and start going nuts to be let out of the run. They take right after it, spraying watermelon juice everywhere.

They're picky about other things though -- cantaloupe was so-so and they didn't do much with broccoli. Zucchini and cuke trimmings get eaten eventually.

I need to remember to set up a scrap bowl for the bits and pieces.

Are there issues if it's table food with onions or garlic in it? I've read some people don't give those to chickens.

Oh -- spaghetti! Our girls LOVE it. They will jump in the air to get a dangling piece.

I'll have to get some pictures to share.
How much is a little bit?  

Do you know the small salsa bowls? About half that size for four chickens. But mine are bantams. A put a small amount of apple cider ( which can cure parasites and makes my hens calmer) on top. At first they drink a bit, but then they gobble it down! :D funny to see. They make little gobble sounds!
Pulled a couple strawberries from the bed for the girls this morning and...they weren't interested! Odd, I thought. But I'm thinking they didn't get many "treats" where they used to live so they're still learning what they like. Put out some watermelon too and they liked that but didn't go bonkers over it. Also cooked some pinto beans for them last night and set out a dish...they seemed to like that real well...drank the liquid and ate all the beans right up. Got some carrots cooking for them now...will try them tomorrow morning.
We got two hens from a farm and they don't go crazy for the treats like our others that were raised on getting treats from us. Guess we raised some spoiled rotten hens.....lol

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