We Quit Cigarettes

Kdog needs to wake up.

Pay no attention to her.
I have learned to just walk away from the phone if something irritates me. No need to take it out on others especially when y'all are doing one of the hardest things ever sometimes I think it's hard for others to relate when they haven't accepted their own faults or taken care of addictions they have.

Y'all are doing great!

Ran errands this morning.....kept wondering how many steps I did.
Enough that my ankle/foot is screaming at me.
When you asked me if I was fat or not I quickly replied telling you to ask Nutty.
Not a second later I see that Nutty had responded to your post telling you that no I'm not fat.
@RUNuts Look...want me to steal an egg or two to hatch for you?
Hey Urs, don't let one comment ruin your whole mood. I find it's helpful to laugh it off or just put the phone down and stress clean for an hour or so before making any brash decisions.
The internet is hard to navigate and we say things in text that we'd never dream of saying in person. Best to not sweat the small stuff.

That being said, I've loved this thread and some of you I sincerely consider to be real friends. That's why I took a few days to chew on this before saying anything. I don't know how many people care, but I'm quitting BYC for some time. I find it's very hard on my mental health to be so personal with people who are still so distant, or who don't neccesarily reciprocate or can't understand.
I thought I'd give y'all the courtesy of a heads up instead of ghosting for months like I have in the past. I hope this isn't weird, and sorry for the bad timing.
I'll occasionally check back for PM's or targeted messages when I remember.
Love y'all

I can relate! Just don’t stay away too long. @Tesumph. :hugs

I used to be that skinny, long long ago........is that a current pic @Kiki ?

Kiki is HAWT! :drool

(I am a straight female, and it bothers me none to admit I’m jealous) :gig

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