WELCOME TO MY LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN-kick your shoes off, drink some iced tea, RELAX!

Good morning! I have been busy. It's been hotter than hot, but today is cooler. This morning it's cloudy and 75 at 5:30. Been wrestling a Coon. He's winning up til today. He has moved live trap twice-about 20 ft. He has completely removed 2 cans of cat food. Not sure he ate them, I barely cracked seal on cans-just enuff for him to smell, drilled 2 holes in can and wired to cage. Can gone-wire there. Yesterday, we reworked trap. Drilled holes in trip pan and wired cat food can to trip pan. We doctored trip also, to get it more sensitive-easier to spring, hair trigger.
We caught him last night!

Woo hoo!
Gonna reset for next couple days he his buddies,in-laws,relatives.
Chooks didn't wanna come out of run this a.m. with him there, but they did and hauled a$$ next door to visit the cows. Now to dispose of the coon.
My work for the day now is
Stay cool and drink plenty of iced tea-that reminds me-I need to make 2 gallons for the day-only have 1 pitcher in fridge.
Enjoy the day
Female coon. Already weaned her kits. That tells me a few things.
There's a male (daddy) around
There are half grown kits around.
They are free to roam as they please-plenty of room for us to all live in harmony-but I will reset traps for awhile.
Better safe than sorry.
Sounds like you are about to be up to your armpits in coons soon!!
Gold morning! Beautiful day. 77 @ 5:30. Cloudy, chance of rain (it's not gonna happen), but I'm hoping.
No coon today, trap not tripped, bait still there.
Chickens are up but not out yet. I opened run door when I checked trap.
I started getting eggs 2 weeks ago, 1 a day, then 2, then 3 a day. Since coon issue, 2 a day last 4 days. So I think my nite visitor was stressing the girls. Their young and may not be in a routine yet, and it's hot.
Yesterday, I got 3, made me feel better, eagerly awaiting a 4 egg day.
Our propane tank is kinda rusty, today I'm gonna sand and paint. Not entire tank, just the rusty spots. I'm tempted, afterwards, to paint a face, snout and ears and turn it into a pig-yard art. I don't think my partner will like that.
Stay cool and drink plenty of iced tea.
Gold morning! Beautiful day. 77 @ 5:30. Cloudy, chance of rain (it's not gonna happen), but I'm hoping.
No coon today, trap not tripped, bait still there.
Chickens are up but not out yet. I opened run door when I checked trap.
I started getting eggs 2 weeks ago, 1 a day, then 2, then 3 a day. Since coon issue, 2 a day last 4 days. So I think my nite visitor was stressing the girls. Their young and may not be in a routine yet, and it's hot.
Yesterday, I got 3, made me feel better, eagerly awaiting a 4 egg day.
Our propane tank is kinda rusty, today I'm gonna sand and paint. Not entire tank, just the rusty spots. I'm tempted, afterwards, to paint a face, snout and ears and turn it into a pig-yard art. I don't think my partner will like that.
Stay cool and drink plenty of iced tea.
Sounds like you have a nice day ahead of you. :) Stay cool out there!
I need to sand and paint my propane tank also. It's a nice rusty white right now.
Had a little storm system come through and give us a few sprinkles. Dropped the temperature down to 77 for a while. Felt pretty good. Climbed back up to 86 now but that's still not bad. And I'm sitting back with some sweet tea.

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