WELCOME TO MY LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN-kick your shoes off, drink some iced tea, RELAX!

I need to sand and paint my propane tank also. It's a nice rusty white right now.
Had a little storm system come through and give us a few sprinkles. Dropped the temperature down to 77 for a while. Felt pretty good. Climbed back up to 86 now but that's still not bad. And I'm sitting back with some sweet tea.
Electric Sanders work great. Now to paint.
Kinda watching tropical storm #8 in gulf. I think it might bring some rain. Come on Hanna, you can do it.
Live trap sprung last night but coon got away. Hair trigger needs a tweak so it's not so hair. Drink iced tea, relax and enjoy this beautiful day.
Well I went shopping today. Kept girls in coop til we got home.
Spent a little $$.
2020 Honda civic. It was hard to write that $14,500.00 check, but it's done.
Now to learn how to drive it.enjoy you day.
Stay cool drink more tea.
Enjoy your new car! Always fun!
I can see 2 things this morning.
It's gonna be hot
It's a beautiful day
stay cool, enjoy, and drink plenty of sweet iced tea
Good morning! Still in coffee mode. I haven't finished first pot yet. Live traps been busy. 2 coons and this morning a possum. Oh! And a chicken. Yesterday, I set trap about 7 p.m. went out to count heads and close run about 8:45 and missing a bird-Goldie's not there. She's my adventurous, nosy one. Always checking everything. Look at live trap, its sprung and Goldie nesting on trigger pan. Open trap, she looks at me like "well, it's about time you showed up" huffed up her feathers and STALKED OFF to the coop. I locked coop reset trap and found a fan to cool off. Its cooler. Hanna in gulf is helping ALOT. High today only 90.
Just wow!
A small rain yesterday evening. Not enuff but every drop helps.
Stay cool drink plenty of tea.
Hello! Weather definitely different today. I actually turned fan off about midnight, and looked for sheet about 3. Today has been cloudy and cool :s
77 now-u believable.
Live trap empty this a.m. and had a 3 egg day. When are the rest gonna lay?
Wild child's probably laying in as tree somewhere.
Stay cool drink plenty of sweet tea.
Good day! the weather has been different since hurricane Hanna. Hot, low 90s instead of 100s. Girls are giving 3 egg days. Shadow still not laying, nor the wild child's. Wild child's still hanging close to others, and actually getting on the porch. Caught a feral cat in live trap. I turned her loose, as soon as she got out of trap, RANDY rooster attacked her, and then chased her all the way out of pasture and behind barn. I laughed so hard I cried. Stay cool and drink plenty of tea.

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