What did you do in the garden today?

Oh I've added it to my list of books to write.
Yep, it sounds pretty cute but it has to be one of the worst, if not the worst bug I have come across. It can wipe out healthy plants and fruit in a week. The moth comes at night and lays her eggs on the blooms and they eat the fruit and plant from the inside. Can't see them, can't spray... I had them so quick and so bad, I had holes and worms in stalks, leaves, fruit... terrible and heartbreaking. So I broke open the plants and fed the worms to the chickens :D back in the day when we were all young and cute and only the pickle worm was bad. So, if I net at night and open it up during the day for pollinators... I may be ok. :th
Yep, it sounds pretty cute but it has to be one of the worst, if not the worst bug I have come across. It can wipe out healthy plants and fruit in a week. The moth comes at night and lays her eggs on the blooms and they eat the fruit and plant from the inside. Can't see them, can't spray... I had them so quick and so bad, I had holes and worms in stalks, leaves, fruit... terrible and heartbreaking. So I broke open the plants and fed the worms to the chickens :D back in the day when we were all young and cute and only the pickle worm was bad. So, if I net at night and open it up during the day for pollinators... I may be ok. :th
Ya. Lots of creepy egg layers come out at night. They come out at night, mostly... bwahahahaaaa

Even pain in the butt bugs can be turned into a great kids story.
It took 3 and a half hours to shovel my long driveway and dig out my car. But I finally made it to get my blood work done! I had to wait an hour there :ducand I am not sure the lady even did all the correct tests when she finally got to me! :th
I know it was supposed to be a "fasting" lab this time so I expect they were checking cholesterol too, but when I asked the lady if any of them required me to fast, she had no clue.
I guess if it's not right I can go back another day.
Oh, I also shoveled small areas in both chicken yards so most of the birds came out for at least part of the day.
No, my little guy doesn’t go outside at all. The chipmunks would try to claim it. I’ve never fertilized it and would likely do better once I feed it. It’s about 5 years old. It was a tiny sprout when I first got it. Great Christmas cactus @igorsMistress. I’m not good with cacti or succulents. I just went out and ran the snowblower over the driveway. I feel a little guilty for not shoveling it by hand since there was only 4 inches, but it went quick and a little fun to have the blower working well.

I wouldn't feel bad about not shoveling lol.

The trick to succulents and cacti is to neglect them.
I just slice off a node and stick em in the ground with my poor as heck soil. They are so hard to kill even if you do water them.

I know! I thought for sure this last summer would kill some aloe pups I transplanted late in the season. They looked terrible all summer long and now they're plump and green.

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