What did you do in the garden today?


This last picture makes me laugh! The snow is so deep you can't even see the hen's legs or feet! She is standing up.
Good morning all. We got a little more snow overnight. I really don't have time to shovel it this morning so I'll just drive over it. I'm a little concerned about Suzy Q. She is getting stronger but the temperatures are supposed to dive down to 4F overnight for the next three days and I'm not sure if she is healthy enough to handle that yet. Why do chickens have to molt in the winter? At least the days will be sunny and that warms up the coop and run. So I have tried numerous times to grow cacti @igorsMistress. No amount of ignoring on my part saved them from impending death. Don't worry about your blood work @karenerwin. When I moved over 50 miles from my medical center my doctor told me that fasting doesn't make all that much difference. Which is a good thing because there is no way I can drive that far into Boston on an empty stomach and no caffeine. Have a great day everyone.
It's supposed to be super cold here too. We got a crap ton of ice, everything is coated & stuck. I got semi-locked out of the house because the screen door shut & the knob was frozen, I had to smash it with a hammer, LOL. Thankfully I covered the handles to the coop & run with a square of fabric & also sprayed them with silicone so they didn't get iced shut.

Aloe is the one thing that handles my cold house quite well. It would never survive outside (obviously) but it handles my cold windowsill just fine where the leaves fall off of anything citrus. I have a snake plant that hates my winters also & just about died last year & I've heard it's hard to kill them! We shall see about that. :lau
Whelp, that little Jack Russell Terrier struck again! It is tucking its tail at the sight of me. The hen is a bit banged up and defeathered over about 5% of her body but no major punctures just a very minor amount of de-gloved skin and bare patches of skin exposed to the open air. She received a warm Epsom salt bath and not going to bother with triple antibiotic ointment yet as all of the minor wounds I can visually inspect. She is indoors now in a 2x4 cat kennel for the next few days. We have moved in some landscaping timbers to block the bottom of that fencline, and I might go to the rooster pen and lure the little sh#t to my side of the fence if I see no husbandry changes on my neighbors side of my fence. We have our fence dog proofed for our dogs, but in 2 years they have never lifted a finger to exclude their animals from our side. It is getting old and I think it is going to be delivered to animal control soon.
Good morning gardeners. It was slow at work today so I was let go early. I decided I better water since it's not supposed to rain again until next week.

Sadly, 2 of my lantana starts died off, but there's still one left. The tomatoes aren't turning red yet but I saw a few bees buzzing around in there so I left the plant.

Here are some snaps from today
Whelp, that little Jack Russell Terrier struck again! It is tucking its tail at the sight of me. The hen is a bit banged up and defeathered over about 5% of her body but no major punctures just a very minor amount of de-gloved skin and bare patches of skin exposed to the open air. She received a warm Epsom salt bath and not going to bother with triple antibiotic ointment yet as all of the minor wounds I can visually inspect. She is indoors now in a 2x4 cat kennel for the next few days. We have moved in some landscaping timbers to block the bottom of that fencline, and I might go to the rooster pen and lure the little sh#t to my side of the fence if I see no husbandry changes on my neighbors side of my fence. We have our fence dog proofed for our dogs, but in 2 years they have never lifted a finger to exclude their animals from our side. It is getting old and I think it is going to be delivered to animal control soon.
So sorry you are going through that. That totally bites... though I am glad your hen survived and is doing well. Great job on the extra care. My old neighbor had a JR and that boy made quick work out of what ever came his way- wild chickens, cattle egrets, cats... He got out plenty too but never hunted outside of his property. Don't miss him or his owner. Amazingly enough... new neighbor, same house and fence, two big dogs have never had a problem.
Good morning gardeners. It was slow at work today so I was let go early. I decided I better water since it's not supposed to rain again until next week.

Sadly, 2 of my lantana starts died off, but there's still one left. The tomatoes aren't turning red yet but I saw a few bees buzzing around in there so I left the plant.

Here are some snaps from today
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Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!! So nice to wander the garden...:loveeverything looks awesome!

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