What did you do in the garden today?

not garden related, but you all might have good advice.

We use Revolution Plus on our outdoor/barn cat - she’s fixed and vaccinated and is fed daily, has litter box, etc. Revolution is a flea/tick, ear mite, and dewormer product that is applied 1x per month. We usually get it from the vet, but as it does not need to be dispensed by a vet, was curious if there were reputable online company that would have a better price. Yes, I can find all kinds of online companies, but who is reputable etc. if price is similar to my vet, I’ll just continue to get it there, but seems like there may be room for lower price since we find she gets ear mites bad if we don’t apply every 4-5 weeks, so we intend to continue the routine.
I got mine from Costco last time. All of the flea and tick meds that I purchase for our pets practically doubled the last 2-3 years. What a crock! So I switched the cats to over the counter Frontline from the Revolution that I usually use. So far so good and it was WAAAAAAY cheaper. Here, $78 for 8 doses.
THey have some at the farm stores too.

Hive is done.
Good afternoon gardeners. Today is my day off and I had grand plans to get some things done. I got a headache so I took something for that and I've done nothing productive today. I did have a wee nap and I need to get a chicken in the oven. Have a great evening all.
I also had great plans but not much done .
I hope this isn't contagious. Between tomorrow and Sunday I have a lot of work to get done in the yard while it's dry. We'r have company coming Saturday shook that's already a lost day. I cannot catch the lazy bug.
It might be. I’m blaming it on the cold. I’ve been defrosting chicken water all day. It didn’t get past freezing today and the temps are plunging into single digits overnight. I’m tired of the cold. No pretty snow, just *** ice.

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