What did you do in the garden today?

I watered everything and put a bunch of short decorative fences bordering my garden areas along the house. They were half off at the local Dollar General (black, so I spray painted them white).
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😉 alrighty my friend..my chickens are still nervous but there are 5-6 that will come running when I head to the coop to check for eggs. Tonight my husbands dog grabbed 1 of my "tweedles" the silikes..she is fine and Kalista has been grounded to the chain for all the day tomorrow. I will do my best to get some pics..lol I hope I can find this thread again ..
thank you all my new friends 😃
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Excellent bounty from yesterday's harvest. Cucumbers came in with a vengeance!

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That's where we got it from too. Did you have any trouble getting rid of it for good? Any tips?
Easy, scoop out the offending pile and remove the conditions it thrives in. wet and moist. Let it dry, rake it, dry rake it. Stops it in it's tracks. If it's safe to do so you can also toss down some powdered Borax and rake it in. Changes the PH and helps dry it out.
Walked the garden after sunset last night. Tied up some heavy tomato plants. I swear I JUST did that three days ago. Flowers now everywhere. Spied three once inch long hornworms that had come out of daytime hiding and were being munchy. Pinched their leaf off and tossed them over the fence. Guess the patrol for the beasties starts now.

The sweetheart cabbages look great. I have some weeds to pull, but eh, not really motivated in this heat to do it. I'll pull a few each time I go out and call it a day. Biggest weeds get priority. I'll then toss another bag of mulch down in the most prone area. I had a bunny tail grass make it to seed last year and I'm paying for it this year.

Building a canning shelf. Hope to finish today. Jars are stacking up in the oddest of places downstairs. LOL.

Oh, fireworks are legal and cheap here, and since there are few village shows around this year, OC neighbors are seeing fit to blow crap up. Well the NEW "neighbors". We have three that have moved from the city and brought their ways with them. Two went out for the evening, no idea to where and don't care. One stayed and set off fireworks, next to the herd of neighboring cattle. Cattle stampeding in the dark. Nice. At least they had the room in their pasture to just come my way and not feel trapped. We got to listen for calves and cows calling for each other into the night.

Fireworks didn't seem to bother my boys this year. I'm sure they don't like it, but I can totally imagine them sitting out in the barn (they did come up to shelter in the barn) and saying, "oooo that one was pretty" "Ahhhhh look at that one." "Sparkly!"

Tonight....well, we'll see.
Good morning gardeners. Happy Fourth of July. Had a little power outage this morning. Fortunately it only lasted less than an hour. It drizzled / misted rain most of yesterday. Nice and cool. Picked a few more peas this morning. My lone zucchini is still hanging in there and getting bigger. I did notice another yellow squash developing. Let's hope this one makes it. More new gardeners in the thread, welcome. I did a little weeding in the front yard yesterday and cut some more old roses off. My turnips are starting to "swell." I'm going to leave them alone until they start pushing up out of the soil more. My Hungarian Peppers have grown 3 more inches long these past few days. I can't wait. My fig tree is loaded with buds so I'm really hoping they continue to do well. I took some more pictures. The peas have surpassed the tower structure and are reaching for the sky. LOL! Signs of an okra flower @NewBoots. I hope it blooms. I feel for you @WthrLady. Fireworks are illegal in Massachusetts but that doesn't stop people from driving to New Hampshire and stocking up. We've been hearing fireworks in my neighborhood for over a month now. I'm not crazy about the noise and while we were still in the hot dry drought mode I worried over them starting a brush fire. Now that it's rained quite a bit, at least that is less worrisome. Yesterday I opened the littles pen and let them out for about 15 minutes. It took them awhile to step in the grass. They ate a lot of grass and seemed content to go back into their run. Very cute. Have a great day everyone.

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Tons of tomatillos. Now if they would just get something inside them! 🤣 They feel like empty balloons.
It’s official, I have a cucumber!!
Strawberries are still flowering and fruiting🥰
These are tomatoes from the piece of a branch the accidentally broke off a plant a couple of months ago and so I stuck it in the ground and it grew into a whole new tomato plant!
More tomatoes
The Roma tomatoes look like Will ripen first. Do you freeze them until you have enough to make sauce?
My 5 gallon bucket potatoes. The lighter colored bucket is growing so well it has flopped over and might grow across the other bucket. If it does, I may have to dump more dirt on top. 🤣
My zinnias have come up in 3 colors. Dark pink, light pink and orange. The orange is my favorite.
Lastly, blackberries another day or 2 and I will have more to pick!!

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