What do you do with your long hair?

Last year I gave up on pleasing DH and got my hair cut SHORT!!! and donated it.

DH was horrified at first but now says my hair looks really cute short.... go figure!
Let me just say that I love long hair on a woman, at least past the shoulders. Halfway
down the back is super nice.

Katy, your's is amazing. Wow

Now this isn't to say that short hair isn't attractive either and I totally understand people
with thin hair who don't wanna let it grow to long.

Women are all beautiful, even ones who have lost all their hair (
different sad subject).

Now for you bald guys let me say this:

My hairline hasn't receded in the last 15 years and my 72 year old grand-dad had
a full head when he died and my 85 year old grand-dad still has a full head of hair.
I have had plenty of gray since my early 20's though.

My hair was halfway down my back until I finally cut it at 21. Now I go with short
in the summer and my "Beatles" cut in the winter.
I would honestly LOVE to shave my head and not worry about the whole hair thing. I think my poor kids would hide under their bed and never come out.... hmmmmm might not be such a bad thing. Love your tattoo, very cool.
I cut my hair short and regretted it the whole time. I have very thick and very curly hair. It is now down to about the middle of my back. I usually wear it in a pony tail, bun, or I french braid it. I feel weird wearing it down but DH says it is pretty like that. I love the chicken shampoo comment. DH hasn't said I smell like chickens YET. But I'm sure given the time he will.
Cut it.

For all the women:
It a documented thing that women, as they get older, like their hair shorter and shorter. Conversely, men always like long hair.

"Cute and sassy" is definitely not the same as alluring, sexy, etc. Ladies take note.
Summer is awful for long hair! First thing I do if i'm staying home is tie it back! I LOVE it in the winter tho! Very warm My hubby loves long hair too so he would die if I cut it lol... I DO sneak a few inches off every month tho
My hair is down to my waist, and its tied up 99% of the time. I've left it down and gone out etc and folks don't reconise me

It was SUPER handy in winter, the few times I was stupid enough to go out without a hat on, I let my hair down over my ears and wrapped it around my neck

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