What do you do with your long hair?

My hair is usually down to my bottom, but I randomly cut it, so sometimes a bit longer, sometimes a bit shorter. I'm awful about getting it cut, paranoid actually. Since I rarely ever wear it down, usually I whack off the last few inches of my braid and call it done. I like wearing it up, dh loves it down. A braid with a chopstick or a clip thing is how I keep it up in a bun. My hair is very thick so the clip things don't last long. When I was working I would stick pens and pencils in my bun all the time, by the end of the day I looked like a porcupine, and sometimes people would come ask me for a pen!!! Just habit I guess.

Martianchick, I used to wear my hair in cornrows all the time! If I had someone close by that could do it for me, I'd do it again. It was much more manageable in the summer, and it was really cool to look at.

About mysterious migraines.....
I just had to post something on headaches......
I have had migraines -the throw-up, very sick, would rather die, total body TORTURE kind- since I was 6 years old. I suffered through them for YEARSwith no medical attention because we were very poor. When I was 20, my doctor suggested I keep a food diary and good records of when my periods came and went. I did all that for a year and none of it made sense as a cause of the migraines. In the meantime, I was given Imitrex to take at the onset of a migraine, and finally had relief. I started to notice how I would get a migraine before a storm sometimes, and when the weather went from bad to good really fast...all sorts of weather situations seemed to be causing them for whatever reason. After my doctor and I researched it, we discovered that I suffer from "barometric pressure migraines". They are very real and many people suffer from them. I was so sick of people asking if I was allergic to something or if it was from my hair being pulled up or hormones! The prescriptions for migraines like: Imitrex, Zomig, Maxalt, etc. are very costly, nearing about $25 to $30 a pill in some cases, but to be able to live without the suffering is priceless. To be more economical, I get 9 100mg pills and split them in quarters so they last longer because I only need 25mg sometimes. My aunt gets the hormonal migraines, and all three of those rx's work for her too. So the issue is the same with the restricted blood vessels or whatever, but the cause can be so different. When the atmosphere fills up with pressure, or there's a drastic change in pressure, it must restrict blood flow to my brain...the first sign I get is a feeling of tiredness and constant yawning like I am lacking oxygen or something. Then it all goes downhill from there. I wouldn't wish these migraines on anyone...well, ok there are a few people out there who deserve them I'm sure.
Anyone else have a story about barometric pressure migraines?? I believe a hyperbaric oxygen chamber would be the only other thing that might help me with mine!
I change my hair style every 6 months or so. Right now I am growing it long. It was super short, above my jawline, but now I feel like growing it out. When it gets long enough, I'll be putting it in a half bun (I guess that's what you'd call it) because that's really all I know how to do with it. Time to dye it again, too....sigh...
go-veggies.. you may be onto something there! Next time I talk with my Neuro, I'm going to ask him how familiar he is with this type. Thanks so much for mentioning this here

I have kept food diaries ..and I avoid preservatives and msg and food dyes and all that ...even some of the foods that I dearly LOVE ..but I still get these beasts!

I'm noise sensitive and extremely photo-sensitive (light, not pictures) ..even smells can send me in a spinning nightmare of writhing pain. Perfumes, soaps, cigarette smoke, artificial flavorings ...so many things. It's miserable!

I take Imitrex injections and oral tabs ..just depends on where I am when one hits ...and I take a PMS med that helps with the Moon Monster. I do biofeedback and all that stuff! I've even found that holding one of the "kids" can help relieve some of the pain ...my cat was especially good for this effect. I really miss Aneesa... but Benjamin is quickly filling her spot ...my silly Roo!

southernsibe.. the clips don't last very long for me either! I rearrange them about 10 or more times a day ..and when I worked in the lab, I always had several pens and pencils ...even "gadgets" ...sticking out of my bun!

I think I'll go back to my "corn rows" and call it a day! I'll just have to find someone that won't pull all my hair out ..and can still braid worth a flip, too. It's hard to find someone you can trust not to "scalp you" ..when all you wanted was a TRIM ....and it's just as hard to find someone that can braid without yanking your head off, braiding so tight ..you get bumps ...or so loose, it slips out in one day!!
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Why do men like long hair so much???
Lol I'm sure this will open up a whole other discussion....

It really depends on what I'm doing if I wear mine up or down, but mostly down. I'm growing it out again from a shoulder length cut. It's almost to the middle of my back, which is the longest I would ever let mine get. It's just way too heavy if it's any longer. My friend who cuts it says I have the hair of 3 women at least, so I can really only pull it back with clips if I want something fancy or put it up in a ponytail for working around the house. Buns or anything else is out of the question and I can't French braid. I have braided it before, when I want to take the time. If I wear it down and am going out, I usually straighten it or curl it...just depends on my mood!
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What do you do with your long hair

I miss it. Alot. Used to be it was always shoulder blade long. DH absolutely adores long hair, hates when women put it up, thinks it's gross for some reason. My hair is thinning more and more (inherited male pattern baldness/alopoecia) and rather than look like Benjamin Franklin, I cut it. If it cant be thick like it used to be, then I'm not going to keep it long; just looks dumb with scalp showing on top. So till I get a hair transplant (when money falls from the sky), I'll keep it shorter.

This used to be me way back when my sons were in their teens (oldest one is 30 now)
I used to have long hair, permed and it went pass to my shoulder blades. Hated the hot days I had to endure during the reenactments and family functions and mucking out the chicken coops. I decided I had enough and wracked it off to a Dorothy Hamill wedge (many hairdressers nowadays dont know who she was nor how to cut it! Had to find an older hairdresser that knows exactly what I wanted). Hubby got upset for a little bit but he said its cute but glad I dont have to care for it like you do!
There is so little common knowledge out there about barometric pressure migraines that your doctor might even have to look them up, but it is worth investigating. I know your pain, that's for sure. I would love to hear from you if you ever do find out if that is what you have. Pay attention to the weather...a migraine the day before a big weather system moves in your area can tell you if your body is acting out due to the pressure changes, but any pressure change can cause one, so it could be hot and dry outside and you could get one too. You'll see the pattern within a few weeks of keeping record of them. Imitrex is good...thank God for the medication! It's sad how much these migraines can disrupt someone's life...even with the proper medication. Best wishes to you!
I have long, down to my waist, naturally curly hair. I have it layered because I have a lot of hair. My hair get really big in humidity, so everyone says I have thick hair.

During monsoon season in Arizona, my hair is usually in a ponytail, especially at home. I usually start to wear it down at work, but by the time I leave, it is usually in a ponytail. If I can stay in air conditioning all day, my hair won't get that big, especially if I only pick it out once a day.

My DH likes me to wear my hair long, and down. I told him that when I don't want him to like me anymore, I'll cut it off.

I also get barometric pressure migraines, so does my mom. I am pretty good until monsoon season comes in. Then I can predict a storm.
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I have the barometric migraines and I live in New England...pfft.
I had hair down to my bum also.
I won a gift certificate and got it taken all the way up to my shoulders. I felt the vertebrae in my neck unscrunching, so having long hair can do some damage there...I have arthritis in my neck too.

I'd put mine up, braid it, clip it, all of it.

I'm thinning a bit in the front and in the part too Cyn...something I inherited from my mother.

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