What do you do with your long hair?

My long hair is straight and kinda thin. So it stays up mostly at home. I have lived in the South all my life, and the summer is hot and I love my hair in the winter. Also, migraines, yup I got 'em and most of my family too! I can predict the weather and most peoples babies being born. 50/50 on the sex of the baby. I'm going to get a trim this week I hope. The same guy had cut my hair for 25 years so I'm not worried. And for most of us it does grow back.. good thread!
Everyone has such pretty thick long hair. Must be a pain to maintain and hours to dry! I couldn't get a curl to stay more than about 30 min. Mine is dead straight and there's not much of it so it dries in like an hr. So straight that they pop out of the bun straight! The strands are thick so I just brush once a day to put it up and that is that.


This tiny bun here... I can almost sit on it when down. When I lop off about 8 inches or so every once in a long while, the top portion cut is the diameter of one of those fat sharpies. Never knew hair could be so heavy as to cause migraines!
I am a long hair! I seem to be the only male to say so but I am 43 years old and my hair is past my tail bone by a few inches. I own my own biz. I am part native American and will never cut my hair! Besides the ladies love it! I have 18 hair ties in it to keep it under control.
Love this long hair thread!

My main concern is keeping it out of my tools. Safety first!

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That's always been my hubby's main concern and why he'd like for me to cut it shorter.....we farm and I work around power take-offs. I always wear it up when I'm out working since if my braid got caught in a PTO I'd be dead!!!
That's always been my hubby's main concern and why he'd like for me to cut it shorter.....we farm and I work around power take-offs. I always wear it up when I'm out working since if my braid got caught in a PTO I'd be dead!!!

Well he must care, I myself would just have ya tuck it under the hat, but to say "cut it " that takes true love!

That's always been my hubby's main concern and why he'd like for me to cut it shorter.....we farm and I work around power take-offs. I always wear it up when I'm out working since if my braid got caught in a PTO I'd be dead!!!

Well he must care, I myself would just have ya tuck it under the hat, but to say "cut it " that takes true love!


He honestly doesn't care whether I have it long or not....although he did tell me not to shave it once! Now my sons on the other hand had a fit when I cut 19 inches off!
My wife's hair is my favorite part of her. Well, it's in the top ten, anyway. She says pigtails are the most practical style for work and outdoors.


Thank you!

injunjoe :

I am a long hair! I seem to be the only male to say so but I am 43 years old and my hair is past my tail bone by a few inches. I own my own biz. I am part native American and will never cut my hair! Besides the ladies love it! I have 18 hair ties in it to keep it under control.
Love this long hair thread!
My main concern is keeping it out of my tools. Safety first!

I would love to see a pic, Joe! Do you mind me asking from what nation your "half" comes from? I have ancestors from two, myself ..and it's just one more reason I keep my hair ...like a tribute of sorts, I guess.​
Joe, a man doesn't become good-looking until he has lost all his hair on top; it's okay to keep some on the sides and bottom of the back. You might consider pulling that thick mane out by the roots with tweezers; if you can't do that by yourself there are lots of us good-looking bald guys willing to help you.
I wanted to comment on the Imitrex injections- I am severely allergic. During my decade of trying to be diagnosed- to have a doctor believe I wasnt a drug addict or crazy or faking- one of them prescribed me the Imitrex injection.

It caused me to vomit, then feel like an elephant had sat on my chest- it was so hard to breathe, I really thought I was going to die. I also became so hot, I sat outside right in a snow bank without a coat on, trying to cool off. The inability to breathe was so scary, I asked my husband to watch me while I slept, in case I stopped breathing completely.

Before I was diagnosed with clusters, one doctor prescribed me some opioid-based nasal spray that they give to amputees for phantom pain. That didn't work either. I had one doctor look at another, and say, "Prescribe her a placebo." I broke down right then and there, I suppose he didnt expect me to know what a placebo was.

The doctor who diagnosed my cluster headaches ( if you want to read what they are, here is a perfect description: http://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/tc/cluster-headaches-topic-overview ) was my savior. I was so grateful, just to finally have a name, a diagnosis, and someone who believed me that I cried and cried.
It was hardest to explain because they are the most excruciating agony ever- but go away and I can be fine sometimes fifteen minutes after they hit, sometimes four hours later. I get them in cycles, and havent had any since my stroke *knock on wood*, but they cycle from a cluster every hour or so for days to several times a night, every day, to nothing for six months, etc. They start out infrequently and peak at almost constant.

I was put on something once that slows brain activity, lol..nothing like a blonde without a thought in her head..lol..
I was so angry because I knew what I wanted to say, but I couldnt find the words to say it. (not normal, "can't remember the word", but trying to recall the word, "ice", or "traffic", etc.) Worst of all, it didn't stop the pain.

When I am in a cycle, almost everything is a trigger- barometric pressure, alcohol, food, air, sleep, etc. The only thing I can do is ride it out or hope the four pain pills I popped right at the onset, will kick in and I can endure.

A cycle of descending prednisone dosages is what the doctors prescribe me. Gain ten pounds- lose the cycle. Given a choice, I will always choose the ten pounds. Then after the steroids, the neuro has me take elavil- but I never stay on that, because I need to be able to think. My patients depend on my brain. (so does my family).

Good luck to everyone and anyone who suffers from head pain- and if you don't have a doctor who can help you, keep looking, dont stop. Eventually, you will find one.

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