What is one thing you want to do before you die?

This is a very narrow minded way of thinking. Not having children is perfectly normal and someone's personal choice. Telling someone they shouldn't have children because "the world has enough people and is getting awfully crowded, and its resources are growing thin" is disgusting
I didn't tell anybody what they should or shouldn't do, Trip. Just expressing a general opinion.
just because someone eats meat doesn't mean they don't want to protect the environment.
Never said they couldn't?

I mean, factory farming, and farming on a very large scale, is bad for the environment- so steering clear of commercial animal products, is one way that a lot of people choose to help the environment. But meat eaters and non vegans can care about the environment too, in other ways.
That's just my preference.
I didn't mean a specific person. What I meant was that someone could read what you said wrong
Thank you for clarifying. What you said felt a bit like an attck, Trip. I really don't think I said anything disgusting. It was simply an opinion. I'm out for now, shopping to do.
We were going to adopt, but the young man passed away before we could even start the process. I was so heartbroken that I'd never consider it again.
I'm so sorry. We've had two of my grandchildren for ten years now. They have two siblings we didn't get. That was heartbreaking for us. I'm sure those boys felt their siblings were "chosen" and they weren't, though we've done our best to stay in touch with them and make them feel like part of the family. The whole foster system is .... not wonderful. But sometimes children are not safe in their homes. I have no good answers.

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