Whats up with Doodle! Edit: She's recovering

I am also of the firm belief that winter temperatures require the adequate consumption of quality calories and protein over the course of the day, and importantly, before roosting, in order for chickens to be able to regulate their body heat.

I feed FF twice a day, around 8am and again around 3pm, and I offer a little dry feed right at roosting time for those chickens wanting to top off their crops. That way no chicken goes to sleep on a cold night without a full crop.
Awesome, I'll add this to my chicken schedule for her. :D I'm glad that this was mentioned, because now that I'm hearing it, it makes perfect sense.
I've also read opposing opinions on whether of not feeding scratch in the evening helps keep birds warm overnight. Is this true/would it beneficial for Doodle?
Also, we are moving in a new stove today, so wont be able to use it to boil rice for Doodle. Do you think that soaking oatmeal would work? Thanks so much for your help!
Corn is a high sugar carbohydrate. It has lots of calories but little nourishment. It's useful in small amounts in the evening of very cold days to supplement the higher quality carbs in regular feed. In other words, the regular feed supplies adequate calories and nourishment, but when the forecast is for subfreezing temps, a little corn can be just the extra calorie boost to be sure the chickens are fully fueled.

Are you interested in fermenting your feed? It does provide more nutrients from regular feed through the fermentation process. It's very easy once you get a system going.
Corn is a high sugar carbohydrate. It has lots of calories but little nourishment. It's useful in small amounts in the evening of very cold days to supplement the higher quality carbs in regular feed. In other words, the regular feed supplies adequate calories and nourishment, but when the forecast is for subfreezing temps, a little corn can be just the extra calorie boost to be sure the chickens are fully fueled.

Are you interested in fermenting your feed? It does provide more nutrients from regular feed through the fermentation process. It's very easy once you get a system going.
Cool, I’ll try a big of corn tonight, but won’t feed to much due to the low nutrition.
I have considered fermenting my feed in the past, but never ended up looking into it. I’ll have to read up on it more at least for the winter. I’ve fermented vegetables for my dogs before, it’s definitely a good nutrient/ immune boost.
Thanks for this info!
Update: Doodle is doing great today! I gave her some boiled rice and 20% feeds from she was happy to gobble it down. She’s been drinking lots of water, and seems to be acting normal.
Her crop didn’t empty completely overnight. There was still a big if feed in it this morning. Maybe about the size of a golf ball? A big smaller? She also had a few loose, very dark, smelly poops. I added some probiotics to her water. They seemed to improve throughout the day, but still smelly.
We don’t have any internet at home right now, hopefully it will be back on soon. Point being I may not be able to update until it comes back on. We’re in town currently.
Just went outside to check on the chickens, and found Doodle puffed up in the coop. She had has her wings puffed out away from her body, and shook and clucked when I called for her. I immediately brought her inside thinking it may be hypothermia. Our temperatures recently dropped to 15 degrees overnight this week. -3 early this morning, currently 15 degrees fahrenheit. I've had her inside for about 10 minutes with little improvement.
I think her pupils are dilated which has me very concerned. She wont open her eyes much so I can't really tell. Her head is pushed back into her body, and neck feathers are puffed up. She's still puffed up, and sitting by the fire, not in direct heat. She's below the glass frame. She is standing, and has use of her legs. No other symptoms that make me think AVL.
I have food in front of her, but she hasn't eaten any. Can't tell if she can see.
Any suggestions? Should I try a hair dryer? Anything else I should check? Thank you so much for any suggestions.
Omg I swear we are the same person. From the initial LL loss to this scenario. I'm the one who is also in Western Washington who recently lost a hen to ALV. Now that the temps dropped, my girl Edie has the EXACT symptoms of Doodle. Lethargic, puffed, green-ish diarrhea. Brought her inside but she's doing a little worse today. Hoping she takes the same upswing. Sending good thoughts to your feather family!
Omg I swear we are the same person. From the initial LL loss to this scenario. I'm the one who is also in Western Washington who recently lost a hen to ALV. Now that the temps dropped, my girl Edie has the EXACT symptoms of Doodle. Lethargic, puffed, green-ish diarrhea. Brought her inside but she's doing a little worse today. Hoping she takes the same upswing. Sending good thoughts to your feather family!
Thank you! Darn, I feel your pain! Done boat over here.
Electrolytes, Nutri-drench and sugary warm fluids really seemed to help Doodle. Are you able to get your girl to take some of that? I hope she improves, sending good luck!
Darn chickens are do good at getting into trouble aren’t they?
Thank you! Darn, I feel your pain! Done boat over here.
Electrolytes, Nutri-drench and sugary warm fluids really seemed to help Doodle. Are you able to get your girl to take some of that? I hope she improves, sending good luck!
Darn chickens are do good at getting into trouble aren’t they?
Definitely been throwing the kitchen sink at mine! She has had a little VetRx, electrolytes, food, herbs, plain water. I talked to the vet and started her on clavamox/meloxicam. Sadly thinking this might be a similar decline to the first hen versus just the cold.

In any case, don't mean to hijack your thread but just wanted to say how wild it is that we're going through similar ups and downs! You're totally right, they're so good at stressing us out. I imagine with LL, we also have more risk + more ambiguity (is it "just" LL or something in addition). Definitely don't want this to be happening to you and your flock, but also glad not to be alone. ❤️
Re-check the crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks to make sure it's emptying.
Our internet is back on, took long enough. ;)

I checked this morning before I fed her, but she does have access to water so maybe its not super accurate. There was a little but of something in her crop. I think I exaggerated how big is was in yesterday post. Its not that much, but I could feel something. Should I take the water out tonight and check again tomorrow? I dropped the room temperature to 35ish degrees, and I think I will keep her in through tonight as well. Temp is rising, but wind is picking up. Is low of 23 with 9 - 14 degree wind chill to cold to take Doodle back outside?

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