When did people stop...


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
minding their own business???
DH called just a bit ago to tell me we are having company this weekend when he got a call from dispatch.
Someone was driving around town when they saw a panhandler, a man standing in a unused parking lot with a sign 'will work for food'.
The caller reported the guy and wants the police to go out there and run the guy off.
The man is not hurting or harrasing the caller in any way; they were just driving by and saw him so they thought they'd report him.
DH swears there are some people in town that drive around looking for things to call dispatch and report. There's even one lady they call the coparazzi. She follows the cops around and takes pictures of them, should they happen to stop at the stop and rob to buy a bottle of water or the diner to eat their supper.
Seems to be some people need to get a life!
My DH is a fire fighter and they used to get calls from a lady that was having difficulty breathing like all of the time and when they got there, she was fine. Turns out that she was always lonely and just wanted the company.

It's absolutely amazing what people use 911 for.
I had somebody call the cops on me one time because I left my sleeping 1 year old in the truck while I went 20 feet to pay for gas. The truck was running, air on, and doors locked. When the police WHIPPED into the parking lot and squealed their tires stopping at MY truck, I thought WTH. The officer got out and said "Ma'am we've had a call about a baby in a truck alone". I said, "yes, and ?" He: "Well is she?" Me: "yes, she's asleep, do YOU want to wake her up for no reason and then go home with me to take care of her while I fold clothes?" He: "No ma'am, I see that she's fine and wish some folks would just mind their own business". Me: "me too, thanks for your time". And off we went down the road. Now what galls me is that my windows are tinted DARK and some fool HAD to have pressed their nosey head all up in my windows to even remotely make out a silouhette. I wish me or the dog had been sitting in the truck when they did it.
I had a woman once tell me that my grocery cart was full of the stuff that was keeping me fat and I should do something about.

I very calmly told her "I may be fat, but you are ugly".

Ha! Ha! Ha! That's a freakin hoot! I love it!
Oh my gosh! Next time you could tell her "I'm fat and happy, but you are miserable and ugly!"

Oh man, I feel a side sticker comin on! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha! That's a freakin hoot! I love it!
Oh my gosh! Next time you could tell her "I'm fat and happy, but you are miserable and ugly!"

Oh man, I feel a side sticker comin on! Ha! Ha! Ha!

People that stick their noses in like that have it comin to them!

Ha! Ha! Ha! That's a freakin hoot! I love it!
Oh my gosh! Next time you could tell her "I'm fat and happy, but you are miserable and ugly!"

Oh man, I feel a side sticker comin on! Ha! Ha! Ha!

People that stick their noses in like that have it comin to them!

Oh man! I agree! The world is so full of losers! Jeepers, some freakin people!

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