McKenna McKnight

In the Brooder
May 24, 2017
NW New Mexico

I have 9 week old Bantam and 5 Week old Golden Sex links. I want to put them together but im not sure when and how i should. Theyre about the same size now since the bantams are smaller.

Pen them so they are next to each other and can see each other through a fence for a few days to a week than try supervised mingling to see how it goes. It might be easy or you may have some pecking. If the pecking is excessive separate them out and try again the next day and the next until they get along.
Probably the sooner the better. Can you set up a temporary division between them so they can see but not touch each other?
BTW, welcome to BYC, be sure to check out 'Articles' with tons of info on all things chicken. There should be articles on integrating chickens as well...
Good luck!
Welcome to BYC!

Ditto on..... the sooner the better.
Where are they both living now?
How many birds of each age?

Make a few more posts then you can post some pics of your setup.
So I used our old kennel and pen from when our dog was a puppy to make a run next to the other chicks. Coverd the kennel so they can have shade and there is a roost in there for them. I think this will work!

Thank you guys for the warm welcome! I'm happy to be here!


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Also I was wondering what you put in your poop trays? I've been using the pine shavings since they're no longer in the brooder i need to use them up. I've been seeing people say sand and sweet PDZ?
Oh, they are very susceptible to predators in that crate,
unless you are bringing them inside at night.

How many existing birds do you have?
Might be hard to fit them all into that small coop/run.

I use sand and PDZ:
I do bring them in, still too cold out there for leaving them. All I have is 3 Bantams and 2 bantam silkies (both rosters). They're 10 weeks old and the 'new' ones are 6 weeks. They seem fine though the fence these past few days. I'm actually worried about the Golden Sex Links bulling the Bantams cause they're already bigger than them. ( I call the sex links my Golden Girls)

Also thank you for linking your post! Most useful one I've found!
You are going to have troubles with sex links which are more aggressive, and silkies, which are easily bullied and are susceptible to head injuries from pecking. I wouldn't combine the two in that small coop, and I personally would never combine the two ever. They are not compatible breeds.
You are going to have troubles with sex links which are more aggressive, and silkies, which are easily bullied and are susceptible to head injuries from pecking. I wouldn't combine the two in that small coop, and I personally would never combine the two ever. They are not compatible breeds.

The coop will have a large run that's going to be added to it, it's going to be all the way back to the end of our property it will end up being 20ft x 30ft roughly.

I want chickens more for eggs therefore I have the sex links.

Not that I don't have the room to have two separate flocks but I'd perfer not to,but I'm also not going to but the Bantams in that type of situation. Any suggestions?

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